Join Living Your Best Life radio show in partnership with Hope For Women Magazine as we help 2012 be YOUR year for a healthier lifestyle. As many discuss weight loss resolutions at the start of the new year that go by the “waist” side by the second week of January, we are going to help our listeners and readers try to stay focused by covering health issues that will cover the body, mind, and spirit year round.
On January 28, 2012, the show will cover another often over look health issue; care of the feet. Dr. Lawrence Burns, DPM, a new contributor to both the the radio show and magazine, will answer questions about foot care and how to have "healthy happy feet".
Healthy feet play an important role in maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle. Healthy feet give us stability, balance and allow us to remain safe when we move about.
Dr. Burns' discussion will include information about routine checkups, treatments, high heels during pregnancy, and when to get surgery. Dr. Burns will also answer questions about commonly treated foot problems like:
Circulatory Disorders
Corns and Calluses
Diabetic Foot Care
Flat Feet
Foot/Ankle Fractures
Foot Ulcer Care
Fungal Infections
Gait Abnormalities
Heel Pain/Spurs
Ingrown Toenails
Occupational Injuries
Skin Problems
Sports Injuries
Swollen Feet
Vascular Disease/Edema
Dr. Burns may be contacted at:
Center For Foot and Wound Care
4230 Harding Road
Suite G-12
Nashville, TN 37205
Living Your Best Life is heard on in the Nashville-Middle TN Region and is live streamed on Ustream from 9-10am CST
Undergraduate: University of Illinois Pre-Medicine and Sociology Major Special
Emphasis in Health Care, Degree Received: BA -- 1974
Professional: Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine 1974-1978
Degrees Received: Doctor of Podiatric Medicine 1978
Bachelors of Science in Biology 1978
Residency: Podiatric Surgery (PSR) 12 Lawndale Community Hospital
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1978-1979
Diplomate, American Board of Podiatric 1987
Orthopedics and Primary Podiatric Medicine Recertified: 1998
Fellow, American College of Foot and Ankle 1987
Orthopedics & Medicine (F.A.C.F.A.O.M)
Fellow, American Professional Wound Care Association 2003
Acting Residency Directory 2000-2002
Primary Podiatric Medical Residency
Tennessee Valley Healthcare System/Alvin C. York
Veterans Administration Medical Center
Murfreesboro, TN
Assistant Residency Director/ Director of Podiatric 1998-2000
Education TVHCS/ Alvin C. York
Meharry Medical College 2001-current
(Assistant Professor, Department Internal Medicine)
Meharry Medical College Grand Rounds 2000,2003,2004,2005
(Internal Medicine- Diabetic Wound Care)
Meharry Medical College 1999-2000
Grand Rounds Pediatrics-Update Podopediatrics
Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine 1983-1991
Clinical Associate Professor
Department of Orthopedics and Podopediatrics
Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine 1984-1991
Instructor, Department of Anatomical Scienes
Lower Extremity Dissection Lab
Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine 1981-1983
Clinical Assistant Professor
Department of Podiatric Medicine
Director of Podiatry
63rd and Lowe(Board of Health)
Chicago, Illinois
Bordeaux Long Term Care 2003-2004
1414 County Hospital Rd
Nashville, Tennessee
Dialysis Center Inc 2002-2004
935 21st Ave. North
Nashville, Tennessee
Matthew Walker Health Center 2000-2005
1501 Herman St.
Nashville, Tennessee
Reach Adult Daycare 1995-1996
4501 West Augusta Blvd
Chicago, Illinois
Golden Light Seniors 1994-1996
3240 W. Franklin Blvd
Chicago, Illinois
Winfield/ Moody Health Center 1990-1996
1276 North Clybourn
Chicago, Illinois
Komed Health Center 1994-1996
501 East 43rd Street
Chicago, Illinois
Umoja Care 1994-1994
(Bethel New Life Adult Day Program)
4501 West Augusta Blvd
Saint Joseph Medical Group 1991-1995
Laboure Outpatient Clinic
2931 North Commonwealth
Chicago, Illinois
Chatham Medical Associates 1987-1988
8300 South Cottage Grove
Chicago, Illinois
Chicago Health Servie, LTD 1984-1990
(Managed Care) Consultant
3233 South Martin Luther King Dr.
Chicago, Illinois
Miles Square Health Center 1987-1988
2045 West Washington Blvd
Chicago, Illinois
Chicago Fire Department 1987-1988
Safety Shoe for Department
Daniel Hale Williams Medical Center 1984-1986
5044 South state Street
Chicago, Illinois
Hyde Park- Kenwood Community Health Center 1985-July-December
(Managed Care)
1515 East 52nd Place
Chicago, Illinois
Tennessee Podiatric Medical Association 1998-Current member
2001- Board member
2002- Scientific Chairperson
2007-2009- President
2008-2009- Delegate
2010- Alternate Delegate
Tennessee Board of Registration in Podiatry 2006-2009
American Podiatric Medical Association Member- Current
American College of Foot Orthopedics Member/Fellow 1997-Current
Illinois Podiatric Medical Society Member 1978-1999
American Board of Podiatric Orthopedics Diplomate 1987-current
Primary Podiatric Medicine Member
Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine Member
Alumni Association
Illinois Podiatric Medical Association- Board Member 1992-1996
St. Thomas Hospital 2003-current
4230 Harding Road
Nashville, Tennessee
Surgicare Surgery Center 2004- current
4230 Harding Road Suite 300
Nashville, Tennessee
Centennial Hospital 2000-2009
2300 Patterson Street
Nashville, Tennessee
Metro General Hospital 2000-current
Nashville, Tennessee
Tennessee Valley Healthcare Systems 1998-2002
Veterans Administration Medical Center
Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Catholic Health Partners 1983-2000
St. Joseph Hospital
2900 North Lake Shore Drive
Chicago, Illinois
Health South Surgicenter 1994-2000
18 South Michigan Avenue, 7th floor
Chicago, Illinois
Johnson Rehabilitation Nursing Center 1979-1992
3456 West Franklin Blvd
Chicago, Illinois
Managed Care HMO
1515 East 52nd Place
Chicago, Illinois
Center for Healthy Aging 1990-1996
2960 North Lake Shore Drive
Chicago, Illinois
Volunteer Homeless St. Vincent DePaul(Foot Care) 1990-1995
Cycle(Community Youth Creative Learning Experience) 1993-1996
Board member
Dr. William M. Sholl College of Podiatric Medicine:
Facility Executive Committee Member 1989-1991
Alumni Advisor 1984-Current
Admission Committee 1986-1991
Chicago Association of Commerce and Industry: 1979-1986
Co-Chairperson of the Merit Employment Youth
Motivation Division
Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine:
Alpha Gamma Kappa/ Fraternity Member 1977
Student National Podiatric Medical Association, 1977
American Podiatric Medical Student Association, 1976-1977
Student National Medical Association, Liaison 1977-1979
Student National Podiatry Association, 1975
Scientific Summit( Wound Care) 2009, 2011
Smith & Nephew
Columbia University New York-2008
Comprehensive Management of Chronic Wounds
Texas Diabetes Institute San Antonia, TX 2007
Clinical Experience Program/ Wound Care
Examiner- American Board of Podiatric Orthopedics 1998,1999, 2008
And Primary Podiatric Medicine (A.B.P.O.P.P.M)
Surgical Grand Rounds Dec 2004
Diabetic Wounds and Infection/Osteomyelitis
Meharry Medical College
Department of Surgery
Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Chicago- 1988
Medicine- Podiatric Management of the Stroke
Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Chicago 1987
Medicine- Trauma of the Foot and Ankle
Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Chicago- 1987
Medicine- The Diabetic Foot
Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Chicago- 1987
Medicine- Podopediatrics
Tennessee Podiatric Medical Association Nashville- 1999-2009
Annual Seminar
Joslin Diabetes Center Nashville-2000
Diabetic Neuropathies & Microvascular
Diabetic Foot- Management Concept 90’s 1992
Northwestern University Department of Chicago- 1990
Prosthetic and Orthotics- Pedorthic
Management of the Foot (Certificate)
Langer Biomechanics Group Chicago 1989
Electrodynogram Systems
Langer Biomechanics Group Chicago 1986, Atlanta 2010
Smorgasbord of Biomechanics
Rush- Presbyterian- St. Luke’s Medical Chicago- 1987
Center Infections in the Diabetic Patient
Wenske Laser Center Ravenswood Hospital Chicago- 1987
(Xaner Laser Certification)
Podiatry Art Lab: Biomechanics and Orthotics Chicago 1984
Valley Podiatric Assoication Baja Projects San Francisco 1984
For Crippled Children, Biomechanic and Surgery
Of the Foot
Academy of Ambulatory Foot Surgery New Orleans- 1982
Annual Surgical Seminar
Podiatric Diagnosis Update Seminate Chicago 1982
Henrotin Hospital: Trauma and Infection
Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine and the Niagara Falls, NY- 1982
American College of Podopediatrics Annual
Seminar: Footsteps toward the future
America College of Foot Orthopedics & Chicago- 1979, 1988, 1989,
Annual Midwest Division America College of 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
Foot Surgeons Seminar
Pennsylvania Podiatry Association Pennsylvania- 1978
Hershey Surgical Seminar
Student National Medical Association Washington, D.C.- 1976
American Podiatric Medical Student New Orleans- 1976
Association Dallas- 1976
Midwest Podiatry Conference Chicago- 1979,1981,1982,1983, 1985, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993,1994, 1995, 1996,
Dr.William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Chicago-1987
Medicine- Surgical Approaches to Hallux Valgus
Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Chicago 1987
Medicine- Current Issues in Anatomy and
Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Chicago- 1986
Medicine- Practical Biomechanics and its
Application to Patient Care
Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Chicago-1986
Medicine- Podopediatrics Pedial Infections-
Collagen and Diabetes
Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Chicago- 1986
Medicine- Podiatric Medicine- State of the Art
Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Chicago-1985
Medicine- Podopediatrics Seminar
Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Chicago- 1985
Medicine- Diabetic Food Seminar
Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Chicago-1985
Medicine- Annual Surgical Dissection Seminar
Illinois Podiatric Medical Association Chicago- 1989, 1992, 1993, Annual Meeting 1994, 1995
Illinois Podiatric Medical Association Chicago- 1989, 1991, 1992
1993, 1994, 1995, 1996
Zone One Meeting Chicago-1992
California College of Podiatric Medicine
Orthopedics Board Review- Examiner
Northwest Podiatric Foundation: Mexico-1991
Caribbean Paradise Surgical Chicago- 1991
Loyola- Stritch Scholl School of Medicine
Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Chicago-1993
Medicine- Radiographic Applications
Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Chicago-1991
Medicine- Abnormal Foot Function
Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Chicago-1990
Medicine- Podiatry Institute Group
Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Chicago-1989,1990
Medicine- Dermatology Review
Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Chicago- 1990
Medicine- Foot Infections
Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Chicago-1990
Medicine- Podogeriatric Patient
Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Chicago-1990
Medicine- Understanding the Podogeriatric
*Lecturer- Foot Wear Analysis
Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Chicago-1989
Medicine- Dynamic Gait Function Symposium
Cook County Podiatric Medical Association
*Speaker- Diabetic Foot Update Fall- 1995
Board/Review Podopediatrics
*Speaker- Metatarsus Adductus Chicago- Winter, 1990
*Speaker- Biomechanical and Surgical Chicago- Spring, 1988
Aspects of the First Ray
*Speaker- Insoles and Shoe Modifications Chicago- Fall, 1987
*Speaker- Practical Approach to Chicago- Fall, 1986
Pediatric Foot Problems
Diabetes Education Program
*Speaker- Saint Thomas Hospital Nashville- 2009,2010,2011
What to Know, Head to Toe
*Speaker- Saint Joseph Hospital
Care of your Feet Diabetes Chicago- 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995,1997
*Speaker- HYATT Center Hallmark Seniors Chicago- 1993.1994, 1995, 1996
Walking for Fun & Fitness
*Speaker- Winfield Moody Health Center Chicago- 1995
Care of Your Feet Diabetes
Update Podopediatrics
Illinois Department of Human Services Chicago- 1997
Diabetes Control Program
Foot Care Screening
*Speaker- Alvin C. York, VAMC Murfreesboro- 2000-2003
Diabetic Wound Care
Hershey Surgical Board Review Harrisburg, PA- 1996-1997
Columbus Hospital Workshop Chicago-1995
Columbus Hospital LCA Chicago 1994
Minimally Invasive Procedures in Podiatry
The Podiatry Institute Atlanta, GA-1995,2000,2001,2002,2003
Hallux Valgus, Reconstructive Surgery- Update
American Podiatric Medical Association Dallas-1976
Las Vegas-2007
Seattle- 2010
National Podiatric Medical Association Dallas-1976
Lecturer San Francisco-1979
Virginia Beach, Va- 1987
Lecturer- The Child’s Foot and Perspectives Atlanta-1988
For the 80’s
Presented Award Plaques:
President Tennessee Podiatric Medical Association 2009
Catholic Health Partners Anniversary 15 Year Award 1998
Saint Francis Xavier Cabrini Hospital 1989 Anniversary Award
Columbus/ Cabrini Hospital 1986 Fifth Annual Sister Sebastion Memorial
Herman Basptist Women’s Guild 1981
Lawndale Hosptial Staff Members 1979
Who’s WHo in American Colleges and Universities 1978
American Podiatric Medical Student Association 1978
Senior Trustee
Student National Podiatric Medicine Chairperson 1977
Certificate of Merit:
Langer Biomechanics 2010
The Comprehensive Orthopedic Management
Of Lower Extremity Ailments
Tennessee Podiatric Medical Association 1999-2009
New York College of Medicine 2008
Wound Healing Preceptorship Course
Middle Tennessee Podiatric Medical Association 2008
Podiatric Medicine and Surgery
Midwest Podiatry Conference 2008
American Podiatric Medical Association 2006-2011
The Podiatry Institute 2006,2009
Reconstructive Surgery of the Foot & Ankle
American Professional Wound Care Association 2005,2007, 2009, 2011
Student National Podiatric Medicine 1990-1991
Association, Honorary Member
Monumental Baptist Church 1987
Chicago Association of Commerce and Industry 1979,1980, 1983. 1984, 1986,1991, 1992
Jones Metropolitan High 1990-1999
School of Business and Commerce
St. Matthew Head Start Day Center 1980,1984,1985
Child Development Program
Archdiocese of Chicago Child Development Programs 1984
Columbus Cabrini Medical Citizens Award 1984
Chicago Police Department Citizens Award 1984
Illinois Podiatric Student Association 1976-1977
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012
The Unsung Heroes Behind the 105 Voices Of History
The powerful angelic sounds of the 105 Voices of History Choir made their Inaugural performance on the stage of the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville. The diverse students from various corners of the country performed with heart and soul. Months of regional practices and five days of nonstop rehearsing on the campus of Tennessee State University were evident in every solo and group performance.
The students even outperformed the megastar headliners who have been performing for years to sold-out arenas and packed audiences around the world. Students performed every genre of music including: Jazz, Gospel, Pop, Spiritual, and Classical. Their classical sounds were by far my personal favorites. The students were truly the "best of the best" who shared their God given talents with those in attendance.
Much was said about the various sponsors of 105 Voices of History Choir. They were uplifted often. Who were not mentioned with the same reverence (and frequency) were the choral directors who were the sources of the training and teaching the gifted students received while preparing for the Nashville's debut.
Each director teaches music and has been directing choirs for many years. All have performed on stages around the world and are extraordinary musicians in their own right. They arranged the music, chose the musical selections, auditioned the students, gave vocal coaching to the soloists, and conducted the choir. Many 12-14 hours days went into preparing for the 105 Voices of History Grand Ole Opry's performance.
In addition to the preparations for Nashville concert, the directors teach full schedules at their HBCU schools, travel nationally and internationally for their individual choir concerts, and perform professionally on renowned stages.
The choral directors were truly the unsung heroes of the evening. They embodied servant leadership. They showed the students class and dignity at every turn by their speech and actions with students before the curtains were lifted. They taught their students that being talented is one thing; but talent combined with an education, dedication, and a desire to succeed are the ultimate keys to opening doors long after the lights of Opry stage have dimmed.
To each choral director who traveled to give Nashville one of the grandest performances ever heard, the city of Nashville salute. You truly deserve a standing ovation.
(Full Bios of Conductors Below)
A. Jan Taylor-National Conductor
A. Jan Taylor, educator, pianist, singer and choral conductor, is Director of Choral Music Activities at Prairie View A&M University. A native of Houston, Texas, she received the Bachelor of Music degree from the University of Houston, and the Master of Arts degree from Prairie View A&M University. She is currently completing requirements for the Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Choral Conducting at the University of Houston, where she studies with Charles Hausmann.
Prior to her appointment at Prairie View, Taylor taught general music, piano, and trained choirs in elementary, middle, and high schools in the Houston Independent School District. She has served as adjudicator and choral clinician for numerous choral competitions, festivals, and regional choirs across the state of Texas. As an authority on the African-American spiritual, Taylor frequently lectures on the performance practices and preservation of the genre.
She is the founding director of Intermezzo, a professional vocal chamber ensemble, and has traveled throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia as a singer with such premier professional choral ensembles as the Houston Chamber Choir and the Houston Chorale. As Assistant Conductor of the Houston Symphony Chorus from 2003 until 2006, she assisted in preparing the chorus for world-class conductors in performances of such choral-orchestral works as Benjamin Britten’s War Requiem, Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis, the Verdi Requiem, and Leonard Bernstein’s Kaddish Symphony. She has prepared choruses and collaborated with such renowned conductors and composers as Barbara Baker, Roland Carter, Nathan Carter, Moses Hogan, and Adolphus Hailstork. For the Houston Ebony Opera Guild, she coaches and accompanies singers, and conducts the Guild’s Chorus in performances of spirituals, African-American concert music, and operatic works.
Under Mrs. Taylor’s direction, the Prairie View A&M University Concert Chorale and PV Chamber Singers have performed to critical acclaim throughout the United States and abroad, including performances at the Texas Music Educators Association convention, and the International Festival Wratislavia Cantans, a prestigious music festival for choirs and orchestras in Poland. Her choirs have performed with the Houston Symphony, the Acadian Symphony, and have collaborated with several professional and community choruses in the Greater Houston area.
Taylor is a member of the Board of Directors of the Bay Area Chorus, and holds memberships in the Texas Music Educators Association, American Choral Directors Association, Texas Choral Directors Association, and Sigma Alpha Iota, a music fraternity for women.
D'Walla Simmons Burke-National Conductor
Maestra D'Walla Simmons-Burke is a native of Fort Valley, Georgia and was educated in the public schools of Peach County (GA); Hampton Institute (University) (VA); The University of Illinois of Urbana-Champaign (IL); The University of South Carolina of Columbia (SC); and has pursued doctoral studies in Music Education with triple minors in Research Methodology, Administration Leadership and Music History, at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
She has studied voice with Anna L. Lumpkin (GA), Vernon Holliston (GA), Princess Brown (GA), Shelia Maye (VA), Samuel Roberson (VA), Dodi Protero (IL), William Warfield (IL), and mentor Roland M. Carter (TN). Simmons-Burke has held teaching positions in the Fulton County Public Schools (GA), Voorhees College (Denmark, SC) and presently at Winston-Salem State University where she has been the Director of Choral &Vocal Studies of the Fine Arts Department for 22 years.
Simmons-Burke is the founder of three of the four choral ensembles currently existing within the Fine Arts Department at Winston-Salem State University (Winston-Salem State University Women; Winston-Salem State University Men and the renowned Winston-Salem State University Burke Singers). She has performed frequently as a soprano and in such operas as Lost in the Stars, LaTraviata, Amahl and the Night Visitors, The Telephone and The Old Maid and the Thief.
February 2004, Burke debuted (soprano) with the Charlotte Symphony Orchestra in a celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday Holiday Celebration. In April, 2008, she conducted Gabriel Faure's Requiem with the New England Symphony and New England Symphony Chorale at Carnegie Hall. She returned to Carnegie Hall, January, 2010 to conduct the Winston-Salem State University Choir in concert. Burke has also traveled internationally with her choral ensembles. The Winston-Salem State University Choir has performed and recorded (Somewhere Far Away; Albany Record Label) with the Dvorák Symphony in Prague, Czech Republic. This recording, featuring the Winston-Salem State University Choir was nominated in 2010 for a Grammy Award in several categories. The renowned Winston Salem State University Burke Singers have traveled and performed in West Africa and have performed with Grammy Award Winner Patti Austin in concert. Maestra Simmons-Burke's Choirs have recorded and produced seven compact disks (In Silent Night; Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing; I Wanna Be Ready; Hold Fast To Dreams; Pieces of A Dream; Joy To the World; 20th Anniversary Celebration In Honor of D'Walla Simmons-Burke).
Under Simmons-Burke's baton, her choral ensembles have performed for such regional and national dignitaries as President George W. Bush; Kweisi Mfume; Susan Taylor; former North Carolina Governor James Hunt; Maya Angelou; Dick Gregory and Pope John Paul II, to name a few. Her exceptional and diverse vocal and choral pedagogies are continuously demonstrated through the outstanding students she has produced. As a result, Simmons-Burke has been the recipient of several teaching awards such as the Winston-Salem State University Patterson Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award (1996) and the Winston-Salem State University Cedric Rodney Service Award (2006). D'Walla is also the recipient of many community service and performance awards. Just recently she was honored by the National Women of Achievement for her national achievements in music with the "Keepers of the Dream Award".
D' Walla is listed in Outstanding Young Women of America and holds memberships in many other organizations such as the Music Educators National Conference; the American Choral Directors Association; the National Association of African American Studies; the National Association for the Study and Performance of African-American Music; The Intercollegiate Music Association (board member); the National Associations for African American, Asian, Hispanic, and Latino Studies; The Intercollegiate Musicians Association (board member); The Piedmont Opera Theatre (former board member); Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., The Moles, Inc. and The Links, Inc.
She is often sought after as a sacred music and multicultural music clinician/ lecturer and soloist. Burke has also made numerous guest appearances as a guest conductor and adjudicator for several High School and Middle School All-State and All-County festivals and collegiate choral festivals and workshops. She is married to Fred A. Burke and they have two daughters and two grandsons.
Jeremy Scott Winston-National Conductor
Jeremy Scott Winston, a native of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is a notable musician, educator, clinician and scholar. He recently taught at University of California at Berkeley’s renowned Young Musicians’ Program in the summer of 2011. Jeremy currently serves as the Ray Charles Distinguished Chair of Sacred and Choral Music at Wilberforce University and Director of Music Ministries at United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio. Appointed to the distinguished chair position by former congressman, Floyd H. Flake, at the early age of twenty-four, Jeremy sought out to recreate the nation’s oldest private Historically Black College music program to become a haven for multi-talented musicians. Jeremy has taken huge strides over the past eight years of his appointment to this distinguished position. Breathing life anew into Wilberforce’s music program, Jeremy has increased enrollment of music majors over 700%, hired four world-class faculty members, put students in touch with renowned musicians including Kathleen Battle, Adolphus Hailstork, Donnie McClurkin, Roberta Flack, Rachelle Ferrell, Take6, and more. As the conductor and director of The Award-Winning Wilberforce University Choir, Jeremy has taken this ensemble to new heights. After being hailed as “The Best Collegiate Choir” and “The Best Overall Choir” by The National Association of Negro Musicians (NANM; oldest African-American music association) in October of 2005, The Choir has been in high demand throughout the country. Regularly performing in New York, NY; Baltimore, MD; Detroit, MI; Los Angeles, CA; and Las Vegas, NV; this choir is poised to begin the ‘next big thing’ in choral music. In October of 2006, Jeremy made history with the University by arranging and conducting The Choir on the title track of the major motion picture Amazing Grace with gospel vocalist, Chris Tomlin. Under Jeremy’s direction, The Wilberforce Universtity Choir has performed with opera star Angela Brown (Oakwood graduate), Wynton Marsalis, The Lincoln Jazz Orchestra, The Ohio Players, and recently performed the full production of Porgy and Bess with The Dayton Opera Company. Spreading his wings in the local community, Jeremy sits on the Board of Trustees for The Dayton Opera Company and Unified Health Solutions.
Leading the musical ministry at United Theological Seminary, Jeremy started one of a few fully certified music ministry programs in the nation. The Floyd and Elaine Flake Music Ministry program at United combines technological capabilities of online instruction with outstanding musical experiences and in-class education. In its first year, the certificate program hosted renowned composer Mrs. Carol Cymbala of The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir and scholar Dr. James Abbington, Chairman of hymn committee for the recent hymnal Total Praise.
Jeremy attended Oakwood College in Huntsville, Alabama where he received his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Vocal Performance in May 2001. Jeremy was reunited with Professor Lloyd Mallory. Under his tutelage, Jeremy had many opportunities to grow his musical talents. He served as assistant conductor of the world-renowned Oakwood College Aeolians, a traveling tenor soloist with this same choral ensemble, and as am interim choir director at the local high school, Oakwood Academy in 1999. In 1998, Jeremy took full leadership of the Aeolians during their summer session when Dr. Lloyd Mallory took ill. While completing only one year of study at Oakwood, Jeremy led the choir in concerts at Riverside SDA Church in Nashville, TN; Brinklow SDA Church in Aston, MD, and Community Praise Center in Alexandria, Virginia.
Jeremy was the recipient of the Departmental Award from the music program in 2000 and the coveted Alma Blackman Scholarship in 2001. Jeremy formed his own group that performed gospel and acapella tunes in the tradition of Take6. Jeremy graduated from Oakwood College with honorable mention in 2001 with a Bachelor of Arts degree.
Continuing his education at Morgan State University in Baltimore, Maryland, Jeremy received his Master of Arts Degree in May 2003. Jeremy was a graduate assistant to master conductor, arranger and composer, Dr. Nathan Carter. As a graduate assistant, Jeremy worked alongside Dr. Carter, preparing and conducting the choir in numerous concerts and special performances. While at Morgan State University, Jeremy worked with many legendary musicians and orchestras, such as Wynton Marsalis and The Lincoln Jazz Orchestra, Kurt Masur and the Paris Symphony, Vladimir Valek and the Czech Philharmonic and Leonard Slatkin and the National Symphony Orchestra. As a tenor soloist with the Morgan State Choir, Mr. Winston performed with Raleigh Symphony Orchestra and the Baltimore Symphony.
Jeremy is married to the former Angelique Samuel of Queens, New York. They have two beautiful girls, Jordyn Sherrell and Joelle Simone Winston.
Travis W. Alexander- Concert Organist, Conductor, Pianist, Tenor
Travis W. Alexander received Bachelor and Master of Music degrees in performance from the School of Music at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Presently he serves on the music faculty at North Carolina A & T University where he teaches Piano, Music History and directs the University Choir and Chamber Singers.
Maestro recently conducted the NC A&T State University Choir in a concert performance at THE WHITE HOUSE in Washington, DC on February 26, 2011. He also was chosen to select and conduct the music for the combined choirs for the October 2011 Inauguration of the University of North Carolina State System President, Tom Ross. Also in September 2011, he served as Regional Conductor for the HBCU 105 Voices of History National Concert Choir and official concert organist for the choir’s annual concert at the John F. Kennedy Center in Washington, DC, playing the historic Aeolian Skinner Pipe Organ. He also served on the initial HBCU Conductor’s Summit Team and as a workshop facilitator for the 105 Voices of History at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.
Maestro Alexander has worked extensively with Maestro James Meena and Opera Carolina in concert with Denyce Graves, Mezzo-Soprano and in a production of AIDA. In October of 2007, he served as conductor for a premiere performance of musical excerpts from the Lion King at the Blumenthal Performing Arts Center in Charlotte, NC. As a conductor, he has coached with Sir David Willcocks, former Organist and Master of the Choristers at King’s College, Cambridge, England. He has given organ recitals in the Long Library of the Blenheim Palace, Quedgeley Parish Church, and Bristol Cathedral in England.
Mr. Alexander is the founder of the Gethsemane Concert Choir of the historic Gethsemane AME Zion Church in Charlotte, NC which tours internationally. He has conducted choral concerts in Rome, Florence and Venice, London, Wales, Africa and Canada. He and the Gethsemane Concert Choir were presented in a joint concert/organ recital on Venice Island with the Coro Monte Peralba at the Chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta.
Since his brief tenure at A&T, Maestro has developed a comprehensive choral program with a repertoire that is wide and encompasses music of all styles and period. Both choral ensembles have doubled in size and perform a minimum of 20 concerts a year. Recent choral performances have been presented in NY, CT, FL, GA, SC, DC and MD. The University Choir has performed for Julian Bond, Maya Angelou, Julianne Malveaux, Susan Taylor, Rev. Jessie Jackson, Roland Martin and Douglas Miller, Donna Brazile & Charles Bowden.
Maestro is also noted as a singer and for his helden tenor quality voice. He has sung both tenor and baritone repertoire. He has performed as a singer/conductor throughout West Africa, culminating in a recital at the National Theater in Ghana. He has performed annually for Maya Angelou and the United Negro College Fund Women Who Lead Extravaganza, and given a recital in the Mozart Room at the private resort of the Von Trapp Family in Stowe, Vermont. He continues to sing for weddings, oratorio performances, and for various religious, social and civic functions.
Maestro Alexander is a member of the American Guild of Organists, American Choral Directors Association, Royal School of Church Music, Organ Historical Society, College Music Society and Music Educators National Conference. He is listed in Who’s Who Among American Educators and as Scholar All American. He is also a life member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., where he serves as Sixth District Accompanist and Basileus of the Phi Chi Chapter, where he was named Omega Man of the Year 2007.
Damon H.Dandridge-Dean of Students
Damon H. Dandridge is currently a doctoral candidate at Michagan State University where he is the conductor of the Collegiate Chorale. He previously served as Director of Choral Activities at Cheney University of Pennsylvania. He holds the Master of Music degree in Choral Conducting from Florida State University and the Bachelor of Music Education degree in Choral Music/Voice from South Carolina State University. Professor Dandridge has worked with The 105 Voices of History since its inception, serving as a National Conductor in 2008. He has had the esteemed pleasure of working with some of the most influential African-American composers of our time including Brazeal W. Dennard, Roland M. Carter, Dr. André J. Thomas, and Moses G. Hogan. As an artist, Dandridge's choral arrangements have been met with worldwide acclaim. From across the United States to Korea, Australia, and Italy, his pieces have been featured at various all-state festivals and international festivals. He is a past winner of the National Association of Negro Musicians’ Brantley Spiritual Arrangement Award.
Dandridge is an active member of ACDA, NANM, Phi Mu Alpha, and Kappa Alpha Psi, Fraternity, Inc.
Gloria Quinlan-Vocal Coach
Gloria Harrison Quinlan, a native of Houston, Texas, received the Bachelor of Music Education degree in Voice from Texas Southern University, the Master of Music in Voice from Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado and the Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Voice from The University of Texas at Austin. After a position as Assistant Professor of Music at Knoxville College in Knoxville, Tennessee, she was Associate Professor of Music at the University of the Virgin Islands, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, and later served as Chair of the Music Department. She also served as Chair of the Humanities and Fine Arts Department at Huston-Tillotson University, Austin, Texas, and is currently Professor of Music, Voice/Choral and Director of the Huston-Tillotson UniversityUniversity Concert Choir.
She studied Voice with Ruth Stewart (Texas Southern University), Larry Day (Colorado State University) and the late Martha Deatherage (University of Texas), and coached with Gerard Souzay, the late Darryl Hobson-Byrd and the late David Garvey. Dr. Quinlan studied choral conducting with the late Ruthabel Rollins at TSU.
Dr. Quinlan has enjoyed success as a performer, in opera, as a soloist with ensembles, and as a recitalist, throughout the United States and the Caribbean. Significant performances include: Soprano soloist in a performance of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony with the Caribbean Chorale and Puerto Rico Symphony; Soprano soloist with the Austin Civic Chorus and Symphonietta in a performance of the Brahms Requiem; Soprano Soloist with the Capitol City Men’s Chorus; and Soprano Soloist with the Austin Singers in a performance of the Brahms Requiem. She recently recorded with the Trombone Choir of The Butler School of Music, University of Texas at Austin. She has also performed with the Scott Joplin Orchestra of Houston, Texas.
Dr. Quinlan has received acclaim as a choral conductor. She founded the Concert Choir of the University of the Virgin Islands, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands. Her choir at Huston-Tillotson University performed for President Jimmy Carter. President George W. Bush invited the Huston-Tillotson University Choir to perform at the opening of the Texas State Museum (a performance broadcasted nationwide). Dr. Quinlan was also selected as the choir conductor for the Lady Bird Johnson funeral service. She served as Minister of Music for Ebenezer Baptist Church from 1997 to 2008. She served as a Regional Conductor for the 105 Voices of History Historically Black Colleges and Universities National Concert Choir in 2009 and 2010, and made her conducting debut at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in September, 2011, directing the 105 Voices of History. She currently serves as the Vocal Coach for the 105 Voices of History.
Her University choir performed the Duke Ellington Sacred Concert with an All Star Jazz Band in 2009 and 2010, in collaboration with the Austin Chamber Music Center. In 2009, members of her choir also appeared in a production and recording of Duke Ellington’s opera, Queenie Pie, in collaboration with the Opera Department of the Butler School of Music, University of Texas at Austin.
Honors include the Danforth Compton Fellowship, Graduate Opportunity Fellowship, and a Graduate Scholarship Award from General Conference, Seventh Day Adventist Church. She also received the Fine Arts Award as an outstanding Music Educator by the National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc., Delta Beta Chapter, and the Outstanding Achievement in Fine Arts award from the National Women of Achievement, Inc. She is a member of the National Association of Teachers of Singing, Music Educators National Conference, Texas Music Educators Conference, American Choral Directors Association and Texas Choral Directors Association. Dr. Quinlan is also a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Dr. Quinlan and husband Quincy Quinlan make their home in Austin, Texas with their son Mykal.
Edryn J. Coleman-Regional Conductor
Mr. Edryn J. Coleman is the Director of Choral Activities at Lincoln University. He holds a wealth of knowledge and experience in the fields of Choral Conducting and Choral Music Education respectively. Mr. Coleman, a native of Montgomery, AL, holds an undergraduate degree in Vocal Performance from Stillman College (Tuscaloosa, AL), one of the nations oldest HBCUs, and a Masters in Music Education from Florida State University (Tallahassee, FL). He is currently pursing his doctoral degree from The Shenandoah Conservatory of Music (Winchester, VA) in Music Education.
Mr. Coleman has numerous years of experience in music education. He has worked with choral students from kindergarten to college. Mr. Coleman is recognized for his numerous guest conducting appearances. He has conducted over sixteen honor choirs across the states of Maryland and Virginia. In addition to his guest conductor vitae, Mr. Coleman has presented numerous workshops for MENC, NANM, and various school districts on choral music topics such as sight-singing, and repertoire selection.
While in the public school system, Mr. Coleman served in many leadership roles in the Maryland Music Educators Association of MENC. Before leaving Maryland, Mr. Coleman was voted President-Elect of this esteemed body of Music Educators. He also served as the membership chair for the Maryland Chapter of the American Choral Directors Association. An organization dedicated to the teaching and preserving of choral music.
The students even outperformed the megastar headliners who have been performing for years to sold-out arenas and packed audiences around the world. Students performed every genre of music including: Jazz, Gospel, Pop, Spiritual, and Classical. Their classical sounds were by far my personal favorites. The students were truly the "best of the best" who shared their God given talents with those in attendance.
Much was said about the various sponsors of 105 Voices of History Choir. They were uplifted often. Who were not mentioned with the same reverence (and frequency) were the choral directors who were the sources of the training and teaching the gifted students received while preparing for the Nashville's debut.
Each director teaches music and has been directing choirs for many years. All have performed on stages around the world and are extraordinary musicians in their own right. They arranged the music, chose the musical selections, auditioned the students, gave vocal coaching to the soloists, and conducted the choir. Many 12-14 hours days went into preparing for the 105 Voices of History Grand Ole Opry's performance.
In addition to the preparations for Nashville concert, the directors teach full schedules at their HBCU schools, travel nationally and internationally for their individual choir concerts, and perform professionally on renowned stages.
The choral directors were truly the unsung heroes of the evening. They embodied servant leadership. They showed the students class and dignity at every turn by their speech and actions with students before the curtains were lifted. They taught their students that being talented is one thing; but talent combined with an education, dedication, and a desire to succeed are the ultimate keys to opening doors long after the lights of Opry stage have dimmed.
To each choral director who traveled to give Nashville one of the grandest performances ever heard, the city of Nashville salute. You truly deserve a standing ovation.
(Full Bios of Conductors Below)
A. Jan Taylor-National Conductor
A. Jan Taylor, educator, pianist, singer and choral conductor, is Director of Choral Music Activities at Prairie View A&M University. A native of Houston, Texas, she received the Bachelor of Music degree from the University of Houston, and the Master of Arts degree from Prairie View A&M University. She is currently completing requirements for the Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Choral Conducting at the University of Houston, where she studies with Charles Hausmann.
Prior to her appointment at Prairie View, Taylor taught general music, piano, and trained choirs in elementary, middle, and high schools in the Houston Independent School District. She has served as adjudicator and choral clinician for numerous choral competitions, festivals, and regional choirs across the state of Texas. As an authority on the African-American spiritual, Taylor frequently lectures on the performance practices and preservation of the genre.
She is the founding director of Intermezzo, a professional vocal chamber ensemble, and has traveled throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia as a singer with such premier professional choral ensembles as the Houston Chamber Choir and the Houston Chorale. As Assistant Conductor of the Houston Symphony Chorus from 2003 until 2006, she assisted in preparing the chorus for world-class conductors in performances of such choral-orchestral works as Benjamin Britten’s War Requiem, Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis, the Verdi Requiem, and Leonard Bernstein’s Kaddish Symphony. She has prepared choruses and collaborated with such renowned conductors and composers as Barbara Baker, Roland Carter, Nathan Carter, Moses Hogan, and Adolphus Hailstork. For the Houston Ebony Opera Guild, she coaches and accompanies singers, and conducts the Guild’s Chorus in performances of spirituals, African-American concert music, and operatic works.
Under Mrs. Taylor’s direction, the Prairie View A&M University Concert Chorale and PV Chamber Singers have performed to critical acclaim throughout the United States and abroad, including performances at the Texas Music Educators Association convention, and the International Festival Wratislavia Cantans, a prestigious music festival for choirs and orchestras in Poland. Her choirs have performed with the Houston Symphony, the Acadian Symphony, and have collaborated with several professional and community choruses in the Greater Houston area.
Taylor is a member of the Board of Directors of the Bay Area Chorus, and holds memberships in the Texas Music Educators Association, American Choral Directors Association, Texas Choral Directors Association, and Sigma Alpha Iota, a music fraternity for women.
D'Walla Simmons Burke-National Conductor
Maestra D'Walla Simmons-Burke is a native of Fort Valley, Georgia and was educated in the public schools of Peach County (GA); Hampton Institute (University) (VA); The University of Illinois of Urbana-Champaign (IL); The University of South Carolina of Columbia (SC); and has pursued doctoral studies in Music Education with triple minors in Research Methodology, Administration Leadership and Music History, at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
She has studied voice with Anna L. Lumpkin (GA), Vernon Holliston (GA), Princess Brown (GA), Shelia Maye (VA), Samuel Roberson (VA), Dodi Protero (IL), William Warfield (IL), and mentor Roland M. Carter (TN). Simmons-Burke has held teaching positions in the Fulton County Public Schools (GA), Voorhees College (Denmark, SC) and presently at Winston-Salem State University where she has been the Director of Choral &Vocal Studies of the Fine Arts Department for 22 years.
Simmons-Burke is the founder of three of the four choral ensembles currently existing within the Fine Arts Department at Winston-Salem State University (Winston-Salem State University Women; Winston-Salem State University Men and the renowned Winston-Salem State University Burke Singers). She has performed frequently as a soprano and in such operas as Lost in the Stars, LaTraviata, Amahl and the Night Visitors, The Telephone and The Old Maid and the Thief.
February 2004, Burke debuted (soprano) with the Charlotte Symphony Orchestra in a celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday Holiday Celebration. In April, 2008, she conducted Gabriel Faure's Requiem with the New England Symphony and New England Symphony Chorale at Carnegie Hall. She returned to Carnegie Hall, January, 2010 to conduct the Winston-Salem State University Choir in concert. Burke has also traveled internationally with her choral ensembles. The Winston-Salem State University Choir has performed and recorded (Somewhere Far Away; Albany Record Label) with the Dvorák Symphony in Prague, Czech Republic. This recording, featuring the Winston-Salem State University Choir was nominated in 2010 for a Grammy Award in several categories. The renowned Winston Salem State University Burke Singers have traveled and performed in West Africa and have performed with Grammy Award Winner Patti Austin in concert. Maestra Simmons-Burke's Choirs have recorded and produced seven compact disks (In Silent Night; Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing; I Wanna Be Ready; Hold Fast To Dreams; Pieces of A Dream; Joy To the World; 20th Anniversary Celebration In Honor of D'Walla Simmons-Burke).
Under Simmons-Burke's baton, her choral ensembles have performed for such regional and national dignitaries as President George W. Bush; Kweisi Mfume; Susan Taylor; former North Carolina Governor James Hunt; Maya Angelou; Dick Gregory and Pope John Paul II, to name a few. Her exceptional and diverse vocal and choral pedagogies are continuously demonstrated through the outstanding students she has produced. As a result, Simmons-Burke has been the recipient of several teaching awards such as the Winston-Salem State University Patterson Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award (1996) and the Winston-Salem State University Cedric Rodney Service Award (2006). D'Walla is also the recipient of many community service and performance awards. Just recently she was honored by the National Women of Achievement for her national achievements in music with the "Keepers of the Dream Award".
D' Walla is listed in Outstanding Young Women of America and holds memberships in many other organizations such as the Music Educators National Conference; the American Choral Directors Association; the National Association of African American Studies; the National Association for the Study and Performance of African-American Music; The Intercollegiate Music Association (board member); the National Associations for African American, Asian, Hispanic, and Latino Studies; The Intercollegiate Musicians Association (board member); The Piedmont Opera Theatre (former board member); Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., The Moles, Inc. and The Links, Inc.
She is often sought after as a sacred music and multicultural music clinician/ lecturer and soloist. Burke has also made numerous guest appearances as a guest conductor and adjudicator for several High School and Middle School All-State and All-County festivals and collegiate choral festivals and workshops. She is married to Fred A. Burke and they have two daughters and two grandsons.
Jeremy Scott Winston-National Conductor
Jeremy Scott Winston, a native of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is a notable musician, educator, clinician and scholar. He recently taught at University of California at Berkeley’s renowned Young Musicians’ Program in the summer of 2011. Jeremy currently serves as the Ray Charles Distinguished Chair of Sacred and Choral Music at Wilberforce University and Director of Music Ministries at United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio. Appointed to the distinguished chair position by former congressman, Floyd H. Flake, at the early age of twenty-four, Jeremy sought out to recreate the nation’s oldest private Historically Black College music program to become a haven for multi-talented musicians. Jeremy has taken huge strides over the past eight years of his appointment to this distinguished position. Breathing life anew into Wilberforce’s music program, Jeremy has increased enrollment of music majors over 700%, hired four world-class faculty members, put students in touch with renowned musicians including Kathleen Battle, Adolphus Hailstork, Donnie McClurkin, Roberta Flack, Rachelle Ferrell, Take6, and more. As the conductor and director of The Award-Winning Wilberforce University Choir, Jeremy has taken this ensemble to new heights. After being hailed as “The Best Collegiate Choir” and “The Best Overall Choir” by The National Association of Negro Musicians (NANM; oldest African-American music association) in October of 2005, The Choir has been in high demand throughout the country. Regularly performing in New York, NY; Baltimore, MD; Detroit, MI; Los Angeles, CA; and Las Vegas, NV; this choir is poised to begin the ‘next big thing’ in choral music. In October of 2006, Jeremy made history with the University by arranging and conducting The Choir on the title track of the major motion picture Amazing Grace with gospel vocalist, Chris Tomlin. Under Jeremy’s direction, The Wilberforce Universtity Choir has performed with opera star Angela Brown (Oakwood graduate), Wynton Marsalis, The Lincoln Jazz Orchestra, The Ohio Players, and recently performed the full production of Porgy and Bess with The Dayton Opera Company. Spreading his wings in the local community, Jeremy sits on the Board of Trustees for The Dayton Opera Company and Unified Health Solutions.
Leading the musical ministry at United Theological Seminary, Jeremy started one of a few fully certified music ministry programs in the nation. The Floyd and Elaine Flake Music Ministry program at United combines technological capabilities of online instruction with outstanding musical experiences and in-class education. In its first year, the certificate program hosted renowned composer Mrs. Carol Cymbala of The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir and scholar Dr. James Abbington, Chairman of hymn committee for the recent hymnal Total Praise.
Jeremy attended Oakwood College in Huntsville, Alabama where he received his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Vocal Performance in May 2001. Jeremy was reunited with Professor Lloyd Mallory. Under his tutelage, Jeremy had many opportunities to grow his musical talents. He served as assistant conductor of the world-renowned Oakwood College Aeolians, a traveling tenor soloist with this same choral ensemble, and as am interim choir director at the local high school, Oakwood Academy in 1999. In 1998, Jeremy took full leadership of the Aeolians during their summer session when Dr. Lloyd Mallory took ill. While completing only one year of study at Oakwood, Jeremy led the choir in concerts at Riverside SDA Church in Nashville, TN; Brinklow SDA Church in Aston, MD, and Community Praise Center in Alexandria, Virginia.
Jeremy was the recipient of the Departmental Award from the music program in 2000 and the coveted Alma Blackman Scholarship in 2001. Jeremy formed his own group that performed gospel and acapella tunes in the tradition of Take6. Jeremy graduated from Oakwood College with honorable mention in 2001 with a Bachelor of Arts degree.
Continuing his education at Morgan State University in Baltimore, Maryland, Jeremy received his Master of Arts Degree in May 2003. Jeremy was a graduate assistant to master conductor, arranger and composer, Dr. Nathan Carter. As a graduate assistant, Jeremy worked alongside Dr. Carter, preparing and conducting the choir in numerous concerts and special performances. While at Morgan State University, Jeremy worked with many legendary musicians and orchestras, such as Wynton Marsalis and The Lincoln Jazz Orchestra, Kurt Masur and the Paris Symphony, Vladimir Valek and the Czech Philharmonic and Leonard Slatkin and the National Symphony Orchestra. As a tenor soloist with the Morgan State Choir, Mr. Winston performed with Raleigh Symphony Orchestra and the Baltimore Symphony.
Jeremy is married to the former Angelique Samuel of Queens, New York. They have two beautiful girls, Jordyn Sherrell and Joelle Simone Winston.
Travis W. Alexander- Concert Organist, Conductor, Pianist, Tenor
Travis W. Alexander received Bachelor and Master of Music degrees in performance from the School of Music at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Presently he serves on the music faculty at North Carolina A & T University where he teaches Piano, Music History and directs the University Choir and Chamber Singers.
Maestro recently conducted the NC A&T State University Choir in a concert performance at THE WHITE HOUSE in Washington, DC on February 26, 2011. He also was chosen to select and conduct the music for the combined choirs for the October 2011 Inauguration of the University of North Carolina State System President, Tom Ross. Also in September 2011, he served as Regional Conductor for the HBCU 105 Voices of History National Concert Choir and official concert organist for the choir’s annual concert at the John F. Kennedy Center in Washington, DC, playing the historic Aeolian Skinner Pipe Organ. He also served on the initial HBCU Conductor’s Summit Team and as a workshop facilitator for the 105 Voices of History at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.
Maestro Alexander has worked extensively with Maestro James Meena and Opera Carolina in concert with Denyce Graves, Mezzo-Soprano and in a production of AIDA. In October of 2007, he served as conductor for a premiere performance of musical excerpts from the Lion King at the Blumenthal Performing Arts Center in Charlotte, NC. As a conductor, he has coached with Sir David Willcocks, former Organist and Master of the Choristers at King’s College, Cambridge, England. He has given organ recitals in the Long Library of the Blenheim Palace, Quedgeley Parish Church, and Bristol Cathedral in England.
Mr. Alexander is the founder of the Gethsemane Concert Choir of the historic Gethsemane AME Zion Church in Charlotte, NC which tours internationally. He has conducted choral concerts in Rome, Florence and Venice, London, Wales, Africa and Canada. He and the Gethsemane Concert Choir were presented in a joint concert/organ recital on Venice Island with the Coro Monte Peralba at the Chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta.
Since his brief tenure at A&T, Maestro has developed a comprehensive choral program with a repertoire that is wide and encompasses music of all styles and period. Both choral ensembles have doubled in size and perform a minimum of 20 concerts a year. Recent choral performances have been presented in NY, CT, FL, GA, SC, DC and MD. The University Choir has performed for Julian Bond, Maya Angelou, Julianne Malveaux, Susan Taylor, Rev. Jessie Jackson, Roland Martin and Douglas Miller, Donna Brazile & Charles Bowden.
Maestro is also noted as a singer and for his helden tenor quality voice. He has sung both tenor and baritone repertoire. He has performed as a singer/conductor throughout West Africa, culminating in a recital at the National Theater in Ghana. He has performed annually for Maya Angelou and the United Negro College Fund Women Who Lead Extravaganza, and given a recital in the Mozart Room at the private resort of the Von Trapp Family in Stowe, Vermont. He continues to sing for weddings, oratorio performances, and for various religious, social and civic functions.
Maestro Alexander is a member of the American Guild of Organists, American Choral Directors Association, Royal School of Church Music, Organ Historical Society, College Music Society and Music Educators National Conference. He is listed in Who’s Who Among American Educators and as Scholar All American. He is also a life member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., where he serves as Sixth District Accompanist and Basileus of the Phi Chi Chapter, where he was named Omega Man of the Year 2007.
Damon H.Dandridge-Dean of Students
Damon H. Dandridge is currently a doctoral candidate at Michagan State University where he is the conductor of the Collegiate Chorale. He previously served as Director of Choral Activities at Cheney University of Pennsylvania. He holds the Master of Music degree in Choral Conducting from Florida State University and the Bachelor of Music Education degree in Choral Music/Voice from South Carolina State University. Professor Dandridge has worked with The 105 Voices of History since its inception, serving as a National Conductor in 2008. He has had the esteemed pleasure of working with some of the most influential African-American composers of our time including Brazeal W. Dennard, Roland M. Carter, Dr. André J. Thomas, and Moses G. Hogan. As an artist, Dandridge's choral arrangements have been met with worldwide acclaim. From across the United States to Korea, Australia, and Italy, his pieces have been featured at various all-state festivals and international festivals. He is a past winner of the National Association of Negro Musicians’ Brantley Spiritual Arrangement Award.
Dandridge is an active member of ACDA, NANM, Phi Mu Alpha, and Kappa Alpha Psi, Fraternity, Inc.
Gloria Quinlan-Vocal Coach
Gloria Harrison Quinlan, a native of Houston, Texas, received the Bachelor of Music Education degree in Voice from Texas Southern University, the Master of Music in Voice from Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado and the Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Voice from The University of Texas at Austin. After a position as Assistant Professor of Music at Knoxville College in Knoxville, Tennessee, she was Associate Professor of Music at the University of the Virgin Islands, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, and later served as Chair of the Music Department. She also served as Chair of the Humanities and Fine Arts Department at Huston-Tillotson University, Austin, Texas, and is currently Professor of Music, Voice/Choral and Director of the Huston-Tillotson UniversityUniversity Concert Choir.
She studied Voice with Ruth Stewart (Texas Southern University), Larry Day (Colorado State University) and the late Martha Deatherage (University of Texas), and coached with Gerard Souzay, the late Darryl Hobson-Byrd and the late David Garvey. Dr. Quinlan studied choral conducting with the late Ruthabel Rollins at TSU.
Dr. Quinlan has enjoyed success as a performer, in opera, as a soloist with ensembles, and as a recitalist, throughout the United States and the Caribbean. Significant performances include: Soprano soloist in a performance of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony with the Caribbean Chorale and Puerto Rico Symphony; Soprano soloist with the Austin Civic Chorus and Symphonietta in a performance of the Brahms Requiem; Soprano Soloist with the Capitol City Men’s Chorus; and Soprano Soloist with the Austin Singers in a performance of the Brahms Requiem. She recently recorded with the Trombone Choir of The Butler School of Music, University of Texas at Austin. She has also performed with the Scott Joplin Orchestra of Houston, Texas.
Dr. Quinlan has received acclaim as a choral conductor. She founded the Concert Choir of the University of the Virgin Islands, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands. Her choir at Huston-Tillotson University performed for President Jimmy Carter. President George W. Bush invited the Huston-Tillotson University Choir to perform at the opening of the Texas State Museum (a performance broadcasted nationwide). Dr. Quinlan was also selected as the choir conductor for the Lady Bird Johnson funeral service. She served as Minister of Music for Ebenezer Baptist Church from 1997 to 2008. She served as a Regional Conductor for the 105 Voices of History Historically Black Colleges and Universities National Concert Choir in 2009 and 2010, and made her conducting debut at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in September, 2011, directing the 105 Voices of History. She currently serves as the Vocal Coach for the 105 Voices of History.
Her University choir performed the Duke Ellington Sacred Concert with an All Star Jazz Band in 2009 and 2010, in collaboration with the Austin Chamber Music Center. In 2009, members of her choir also appeared in a production and recording of Duke Ellington’s opera, Queenie Pie, in collaboration with the Opera Department of the Butler School of Music, University of Texas at Austin.
Honors include the Danforth Compton Fellowship, Graduate Opportunity Fellowship, and a Graduate Scholarship Award from General Conference, Seventh Day Adventist Church. She also received the Fine Arts Award as an outstanding Music Educator by the National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc., Delta Beta Chapter, and the Outstanding Achievement in Fine Arts award from the National Women of Achievement, Inc. She is a member of the National Association of Teachers of Singing, Music Educators National Conference, Texas Music Educators Conference, American Choral Directors Association and Texas Choral Directors Association. Dr. Quinlan is also a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Dr. Quinlan and husband Quincy Quinlan make their home in Austin, Texas with their son Mykal.
Edryn J. Coleman-Regional Conductor
Mr. Edryn J. Coleman is the Director of Choral Activities at Lincoln University. He holds a wealth of knowledge and experience in the fields of Choral Conducting and Choral Music Education respectively. Mr. Coleman, a native of Montgomery, AL, holds an undergraduate degree in Vocal Performance from Stillman College (Tuscaloosa, AL), one of the nations oldest HBCUs, and a Masters in Music Education from Florida State University (Tallahassee, FL). He is currently pursing his doctoral degree from The Shenandoah Conservatory of Music (Winchester, VA) in Music Education.
Mr. Coleman has numerous years of experience in music education. He has worked with choral students from kindergarten to college. Mr. Coleman is recognized for his numerous guest conducting appearances. He has conducted over sixteen honor choirs across the states of Maryland and Virginia. In addition to his guest conductor vitae, Mr. Coleman has presented numerous workshops for MENC, NANM, and various school districts on choral music topics such as sight-singing, and repertoire selection.
While in the public school system, Mr. Coleman served in many leadership roles in the Maryland Music Educators Association of MENC. Before leaving Maryland, Mr. Coleman was voted President-Elect of this esteemed body of Music Educators. He also served as the membership chair for the Maryland Chapter of the American Choral Directors Association. An organization dedicated to the teaching and preserving of choral music.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Gone Too Soon: Professor Marcellus Brooks
On January 21, 2012, I announced on air the passing of Fisk's beloved Professor Marcellus Brooks on Living Your Best Life radio show. Texters and emailers from North Carolina to California expressed disbelief and sadness long after the show was over. I called his wife, Lula, to tell her one story after another about her husband that was shared with me by former students near and far, fraternity brothers, and members of the community.
Many students shared how Professor Brooks impacted their lives in profound and lasting ways. His students talked about their diversity and culturally infused hands on lessons taught by their respected teacher and mentor. One former student said, "Professor Brooks would breath life into lessons by taking us out of the classroom. His teaching exposed me to many culture experiences that have remained with me 20 plus years later."
Professor Brooks was not only a strong, positive influence in the lives of his students but he embodied servant leadership in every way in the Nashville community. An Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity brother said, "He lead by example. Always."
Professor Brooks lived life to the fullest and will be missed dearly by his loving wife, Lula, and son, Marcellus, his relatives and close friends, his church family, the Nashville community and his students that he taught with passion and zeal.(Obituary below.)
Gone Too Soon: Professor Marcellus Brooks
Marcellus Brooks was born on June 24, 1941 to Roosevelt Brooks and Beatrice Hibbler Brooks, both of whom preceded him in death. He was also preceded by two sisters, Martha Disroe and Katie Brooks. He is survived by his spouse of 38 years, Lula Vaughn Brooks, son, Marcellus Vaughn Brooks, two sisters, Elnora Hill and Corean Jackson, numerous nieces, nephews and in-laws. He is also survived by his "brother from another mother", and main "road dog", Lucius Turner Outlaw, Jr.
Marcellus was graduated with honors from Hamilton High School of Memphis in 1960 and from Fisk University in 1964 with a Bachelor of Arts degree. He earned a Master of Arts degree from The University of New York in conjunction with the University of Madrid.
Marcellus spent his entire professional career at Fisk University, where his most recent assignment was Assistant Professor of Spanish. Prior to curtailing his activities at Fisk, he served as Chair of the Modern Language Department and Director of the Division of Humanities and Fine Arts. He also served for many years as University Marshall. Marcellus originated what is now the Fisk Study Abroad Program in 1974 when he took a group of students to Mexico City during the "Interim Period" of the 4-1-4 semester plan. Since that time, he has taken students to Africa, the Dominican Republic, South America, Egypt, Italy, and for the past few years he and his students have spent a summer semester at Estudio Sampere in Salamanca, Spain.
Marcellus was also very involved in the community at large. He was a founder of Metropolitan Interdenominational Church. He helped to establish the North Edgefield Organized Neighbors (NEON) in his community and served as Board Chair. He also served as Cub Master for a Cub Scout troop at NEON. He was a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, The Agora Assembly, the Optimist Club, The Nashville Sons of Africa, and the Meharry, Fisk and TSU Faculty Breakfast Club.
Special thanks to Dr. William C. Penley of Tennessee Oncology and the entire staff of 6 Stringfield at Baptist Hospital.
Visitation, Sunday, 1:00 P.M., January 29, 2012 at the Fisk Memorial Chapel. Alpha Phi Alpha Omega Service 1:45 P.M. Celebration of Life 2:00 P.M. A repast will follow at Metropolitan Interdenominational Church at 4:00 P.M.
Photo credit: Lou Outlaw
Many students shared how Professor Brooks impacted their lives in profound and lasting ways. His students talked about their diversity and culturally infused hands on lessons taught by their respected teacher and mentor. One former student said, "Professor Brooks would breath life into lessons by taking us out of the classroom. His teaching exposed me to many culture experiences that have remained with me 20 plus years later."
Professor Brooks was not only a strong, positive influence in the lives of his students but he embodied servant leadership in every way in the Nashville community. An Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity brother said, "He lead by example. Always."
Professor Brooks lived life to the fullest and will be missed dearly by his loving wife, Lula, and son, Marcellus, his relatives and close friends, his church family, the Nashville community and his students that he taught with passion and zeal.(Obituary below.)
Gone Too Soon: Professor Marcellus Brooks
Marcellus Brooks was born on June 24, 1941 to Roosevelt Brooks and Beatrice Hibbler Brooks, both of whom preceded him in death. He was also preceded by two sisters, Martha Disroe and Katie Brooks. He is survived by his spouse of 38 years, Lula Vaughn Brooks, son, Marcellus Vaughn Brooks, two sisters, Elnora Hill and Corean Jackson, numerous nieces, nephews and in-laws. He is also survived by his "brother from another mother", and main "road dog", Lucius Turner Outlaw, Jr.
Marcellus was graduated with honors from Hamilton High School of Memphis in 1960 and from Fisk University in 1964 with a Bachelor of Arts degree. He earned a Master of Arts degree from The University of New York in conjunction with the University of Madrid.
Marcellus spent his entire professional career at Fisk University, where his most recent assignment was Assistant Professor of Spanish. Prior to curtailing his activities at Fisk, he served as Chair of the Modern Language Department and Director of the Division of Humanities and Fine Arts. He also served for many years as University Marshall. Marcellus originated what is now the Fisk Study Abroad Program in 1974 when he took a group of students to Mexico City during the "Interim Period" of the 4-1-4 semester plan. Since that time, he has taken students to Africa, the Dominican Republic, South America, Egypt, Italy, and for the past few years he and his students have spent a summer semester at Estudio Sampere in Salamanca, Spain.
Marcellus was also very involved in the community at large. He was a founder of Metropolitan Interdenominational Church. He helped to establish the North Edgefield Organized Neighbors (NEON) in his community and served as Board Chair. He also served as Cub Master for a Cub Scout troop at NEON. He was a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, The Agora Assembly, the Optimist Club, The Nashville Sons of Africa, and the Meharry, Fisk and TSU Faculty Breakfast Club.
Special thanks to Dr. William C. Penley of Tennessee Oncology and the entire staff of 6 Stringfield at Baptist Hospital.
Visitation, Sunday, 1:00 P.M., January 29, 2012 at the Fisk Memorial Chapel. Alpha Phi Alpha Omega Service 1:45 P.M. Celebration of Life 2:00 P.M. A repast will follow at Metropolitan Interdenominational Church at 4:00 P.M.
Photo credit: Lou Outlaw
Monday, January 23, 2012
When Cavemen Learn to Use The Computer...They Usually Send Sexist Emails
I have written several posts about emails that can leave stains on a city, an institution, an organization and a person’s character. An email sent without regards to the consequences usually reveals much about the ignorance of the sender. Emails with contents immersed in racism or sexism can be the most damaging to a sender’s reputation.
Past emails bursting with racism sent by individuals in the Nashville area have all made national headlines. Where one form of “ism” exists, there are others, simmering in the same pot of shame. Recently, a Metro Nashville Public School (MNPS) male supervisor sent an email to female subordinates that has gone viral. In the food service department, the female to male ratio is 9 to 1. An email with a cartoon depicting a caveman telling another caveman that he has decided to teach the woman to talk and asking “what harm can it do?” is not funny. Period. With the caption above the cartoon titled, “The Original Sin”, one wonders will folks ever learn.
I contacted several MNPS food service staff members at area schools to ask them about their work environment which the email made me question right away. No one wanted to go on record for fear of losing their jobs but all agreed that email that I read was a glimpse behind the drawn shades of a school system that has become synonymous with devaluing its support staff like the janitors and bus drivers.
Hopefully, this post will encourage Dr. Register, director of Metro Schools, to round up all the cavemen at MNPS and teach them what actual harm an “ism” email can cause when the send button is hit without regards to consequences.
Past emails bursting with racism sent by individuals in the Nashville area have all made national headlines. Where one form of “ism” exists, there are others, simmering in the same pot of shame. Recently, a Metro Nashville Public School (MNPS) male supervisor sent an email to female subordinates that has gone viral. In the food service department, the female to male ratio is 9 to 1. An email with a cartoon depicting a caveman telling another caveman that he has decided to teach the woman to talk and asking “what harm can it do?” is not funny. Period. With the caption above the cartoon titled, “The Original Sin”, one wonders will folks ever learn.
I contacted several MNPS food service staff members at area schools to ask them about their work environment which the email made me question right away. No one wanted to go on record for fear of losing their jobs but all agreed that email that I read was a glimpse behind the drawn shades of a school system that has become synonymous with devaluing its support staff like the janitors and bus drivers.
Hopefully, this post will encourage Dr. Register, director of Metro Schools, to round up all the cavemen at MNPS and teach them what actual harm an “ism” email can cause when the send button is hit without regards to consequences.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Joseph W. Walker III and Stephaine Walker and Eddie and Tamara George on Living Your Best Life Radio Show
Join Living Your Best Life in partnership with Hope For Women Magazine as we help 2012 be YOUR year to live a healthier life. As many discuss weight loss resolutions at the beginning of the new year that go by the “waist” side by the second week of January, we are encouraging our listeners and readers to focus on the mind, body, and spirit all year long.
Living Your Best Life is a show that "empowers, inspires and motivates you to live your best life". It can be heard on 760AM The Gospel in the Nashville-Middle Tennessee Region, Inspiration Network, military bases and streams worldwide on Ustream.TV from 9-10AM CST.
On Saturday, January 14, 2012 couples authors, Joseph W. Walker III and Stephaine Walker and Eddie and Tamara George, will discuss how to have a healthier relationship with your spouse. They will draw from their personal lives and share how God is using them to impact others to live an enriching, fulfilling and purposeful life.
More About The Walkers
Dr. Joseph W. Walker lll is Bishop of 25,000-member, Mount Zion Baptist Church in Nashville. A notable media presence, Bishop Walker appears on six weekly television broadcasts and a daily radio ministry airing across the country on the Impact Network, TBN, and 760 The Gospel. He is author of several books including Love and Intimacy: Five Ways to Get Together and Date with Destiny: Find the Love You Need.
Dr. Stephaine Hale Walker is Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Clinical neonatologist at Vanderbilt Children’ Hospital in Nashville. Dr. Walker is founder of Full Circle Health Community Coalition, created to help improve health conditions for at risk-individuals.
The Walkers are also founders of the Dr. Joseph and Dr. Stephanie Walker Foundation .
Becoming a Couple of Destiny
More About The Georges
Eddie George’s NFL career included four Pro Bowl appearances, first-team All-Pro selection in 2000, two Super Bowl touchdowns and more than 10,000 yards rushing. He is the all-time leading rusher in Houston Oilers/Tennessee Titans franchise history. In addition, Eddie won the Heisman Trophy while at Ohio State University. In 2011, Eddie was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame. Eddie’s companies include EGX Lifestyle, working to help people develop healthy lives, and EDGE, the planning and design firm helping create healthy communities. Eddie is also pursuing endeavors in the entertainment world. He recently shot a film scheduled for release in 2012 and he has established Actors By George!, a theater company based in Nashville. Currently, Eddie is playing Caesar in the play Julius Caesar. He received a Master of Business Administration from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. For more on Eddie visit
Tamara “Taj” Johnson-George is a singer, actress and author. Best known as one-third of the multi-platinum selling R&B group Sisters With Voices (SWV), the Grammy-nominated singer co-wrote a number of SWV songs, including “Right Here,” “It's About Time,” and the Top 5 hit “You're the One.” Tamara is also known for having competed on the CBS hit reality show SURVIVOR in the 2009 season "Survivor 18: Tocantins — The Brazilian Highlands," on which she was voted a fan favorite. In July, 2008, she published her first book, Player HateHer: How to Avoid The Beat Down and Live in a Drama Free World (Amistad/Harper Collins), which she co-wrote with her best friend, Katrina Chambers. Tamara holds a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing from Belmont University. For more on Tamara visit
Married For Real
TEXT INSPIRE to 99000 for a chance to win autographed copies of the authors' books and a chance to hear both couples speak on Saturday, February 25, 2012 from 11:30-1:00 at Cool Springs Marriott in Franklin, Tennessee at the 5th Annual Literary Luncheon of Les Gemmes, Inc. All proceeds from sale of the tickets benefit "Lighting The Path For Girls", a mentoring program for girl tweens & teens.
Tickets maybe purchased at The College Crib, 760AM The Gospel, and The Tribune office for $50.
No tickets will be sold at the door.
Limited seating.
Living Your Best Life is a show that "empowers, inspires and motivates you to live your best life". It can be heard on 760AM The Gospel in the Nashville-Middle Tennessee Region, Inspiration Network, military bases and streams worldwide on Ustream.TV from 9-10AM CST.
On Saturday, January 14, 2012 couples authors, Joseph W. Walker III and Stephaine Walker and Eddie and Tamara George, will discuss how to have a healthier relationship with your spouse. They will draw from their personal lives and share how God is using them to impact others to live an enriching, fulfilling and purposeful life.
More About The Walkers
Dr. Joseph W. Walker lll is Bishop of 25,000-member, Mount Zion Baptist Church in Nashville. A notable media presence, Bishop Walker appears on six weekly television broadcasts and a daily radio ministry airing across the country on the Impact Network, TBN, and 760 The Gospel. He is author of several books including Love and Intimacy: Five Ways to Get Together and Date with Destiny: Find the Love You Need.
Dr. Stephaine Hale Walker is Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Clinical neonatologist at Vanderbilt Children’ Hospital in Nashville. Dr. Walker is founder of Full Circle Health Community Coalition, created to help improve health conditions for at risk-individuals.
The Walkers are also founders of the Dr. Joseph and Dr. Stephanie Walker Foundation .
Becoming a Couple of Destiny
How can you be more together than either of you are on your own? In this powerful new book Joseph Walker and his wife, Stephaine Walker, share their stories of becoming a couple who are not only happily married but also committed to doing and being all God calls them to be. This is not just a love story, but a story of living and growing together. As you share in their journey, the authors encourage you to have more and be more through a godly relationship. Here you will see how choosing to wait upon the Lord and seek His plan first will lead you toward fulfillment and your true purpose.
More About The Georges
Eddie George’s NFL career included four Pro Bowl appearances, first-team All-Pro selection in 2000, two Super Bowl touchdowns and more than 10,000 yards rushing. He is the all-time leading rusher in Houston Oilers/Tennessee Titans franchise history. In addition, Eddie won the Heisman Trophy while at Ohio State University. In 2011, Eddie was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame. Eddie’s companies include EGX Lifestyle, working to help people develop healthy lives, and EDGE, the planning and design firm helping create healthy communities. Eddie is also pursuing endeavors in the entertainment world. He recently shot a film scheduled for release in 2012 and he has established Actors By George!, a theater company based in Nashville. Currently, Eddie is playing Caesar in the play Julius Caesar. He received a Master of Business Administration from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. For more on Eddie visit
Tamara “Taj” Johnson-George is a singer, actress and author. Best known as one-third of the multi-platinum selling R&B group Sisters With Voices (SWV), the Grammy-nominated singer co-wrote a number of SWV songs, including “Right Here,” “It's About Time,” and the Top 5 hit “You're the One.” Tamara is also known for having competed on the CBS hit reality show SURVIVOR in the 2009 season "Survivor 18: Tocantins — The Brazilian Highlands," on which she was voted a fan favorite. In July, 2008, she published her first book, Player HateHer: How to Avoid The Beat Down and Live in a Drama Free World (Amistad/Harper Collins), which she co-wrote with her best friend, Katrina Chambers. Tamara holds a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing from Belmont University. For more on Tamara visit
Married For Real
In Married for Real: Building a Loving, Powerful Life Together, Eddie and Tamara will mentor and guide readers to a more successful marriage. Using their own personal stories as examples, each chapter illustrates a typical situation that every couple faces, including: money, sex, power, spending quality time together, faithfulness and getting over hurts from former relationships. For each situation Eddie and Tamara give their individual perspective and then, together, address how that situation can deepen your relationship and help you grow as a couple. The principles illustrated in this book have helped them build a strong, fulfilling relationship; they can help you too.
TEXT INSPIRE to 99000 for a chance to win autographed copies of the authors' books and a chance to hear both couples speak on Saturday, February 25, 2012 from 11:30-1:00 at Cool Springs Marriott in Franklin, Tennessee at the 5th Annual Literary Luncheon of Les Gemmes, Inc. All proceeds from sale of the tickets benefit "Lighting The Path For Girls", a mentoring program for girl tweens & teens.
Tickets maybe purchased at The College Crib, 760AM The Gospel, and The Tribune office for $50.
No tickets will be sold at the door.
Limited seating.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Sundays with The Nashville Sunday Jazz Band
My friend Ellen asked me several times last year, “What are you doing on Sunday evenings? If you are not working, I would love for you to come hear a great jazz band.” Knowing I had one thing or another on my schedule, I made a commitment to come at some point. After many attempts, I was finally able to get a Sunday free.
What I thought was an invitation to hear a great jazz band turned out to be an invitation to not only hear a great band but to become part of a closely knitted group of loyal jazz lovers who felt more like family.
The Nashville Sunday Jazz Band performs regularly at the restaurant Eat located in the Lowes Vanderbilt Hotel on Sunday nights from 5-8. The band started by the late trombonist Louis Brown is considered a Nashville institution and has been performing traditional jazz and swing on Sunday evenings since 1991. The band has moved from one venue to another but with the help of a very devoted group of regular attendees, the band formerly known as The Original Nashville Sunday Afternoon Jazz Band has been playing at its current location for the last several years.
My first visit was unannounced. I popped into Eat with a friendly hello to the surprise and delight of Ellen. She quickly introduced me to several individuals who embraced me warmly. After initial greetings, I began to recognize a few folks whom I knew from other encounters. As I was seated at an end table, I was handed a pristine white cloth by a young woman named Gail.
“This will help you get into the swing” Gail told me as she made sure I was okay. Two songs later, I understood exactly what she meant. When the band started playing an old favorite of the crowd, everyone began waving their cloths and singing along.
“My, my, what do we have here? This swing is contagious.” I mused to myself with a small chuckle. Reaching for my always present camera, I knew pictures would be able to tell this story better than I could ever write it. As I snapped away, the surprises kept coming.
Gail reached over and pulled an item from her bag. Like magic, an elaborate parasol opened, and Gail started a second line around the room as the band kicked up the sound two notches. As if on cue, others joined in twirling their parasols. They were second lining as if Lowes Vanderbilt Plaza borrowed the French Quarter from the streets of New Orleans. Not one to miss a good second line when I can, I marched, whirled and twirled with the best second liners in Nashville. When the song ended and the band took a break, I sat down delighted but breathlessly as if I had run a country mile. When Ellen whispered to me that Gail was 93 and was just getting started for the night, I was speechless for a few seconds. Determined to keep up with dancers, I took a gulp of water and got ready to follow Gail’s lead. What a night!
When the band stopped playing at exactly eight, I had become an official member of the fan club of the Nashville Sunday Jazz Band.
The cover charge is $10. Eat's menu is great and reasonably priced. And Gail leads the line every time.
(See ya there!)
What I thought was an invitation to hear a great jazz band turned out to be an invitation to not only hear a great band but to become part of a closely knitted group of loyal jazz lovers who felt more like family.
The Nashville Sunday Jazz Band performs regularly at the restaurant Eat located in the Lowes Vanderbilt Hotel on Sunday nights from 5-8. The band started by the late trombonist Louis Brown is considered a Nashville institution and has been performing traditional jazz and swing on Sunday evenings since 1991. The band has moved from one venue to another but with the help of a very devoted group of regular attendees, the band formerly known as The Original Nashville Sunday Afternoon Jazz Band has been playing at its current location for the last several years.
My first visit was unannounced. I popped into Eat with a friendly hello to the surprise and delight of Ellen. She quickly introduced me to several individuals who embraced me warmly. After initial greetings, I began to recognize a few folks whom I knew from other encounters. As I was seated at an end table, I was handed a pristine white cloth by a young woman named Gail.
“This will help you get into the swing” Gail told me as she made sure I was okay. Two songs later, I understood exactly what she meant. When the band started playing an old favorite of the crowd, everyone began waving their cloths and singing along.
“My, my, what do we have here? This swing is contagious.” I mused to myself with a small chuckle. Reaching for my always present camera, I knew pictures would be able to tell this story better than I could ever write it. As I snapped away, the surprises kept coming.
Gail reached over and pulled an item from her bag. Like magic, an elaborate parasol opened, and Gail started a second line around the room as the band kicked up the sound two notches. As if on cue, others joined in twirling their parasols. They were second lining as if Lowes Vanderbilt Plaza borrowed the French Quarter from the streets of New Orleans. Not one to miss a good second line when I can, I marched, whirled and twirled with the best second liners in Nashville. When the song ended and the band took a break, I sat down delighted but breathlessly as if I had run a country mile. When Ellen whispered to me that Gail was 93 and was just getting started for the night, I was speechless for a few seconds. Determined to keep up with dancers, I took a gulp of water and got ready to follow Gail’s lead. What a night!
When the band stopped playing at exactly eight, I had become an official member of the fan club of the Nashville Sunday Jazz Band.
The cover charge is $10. Eat's menu is great and reasonably priced. And Gail leads the line every time.
(See ya there!)
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Dr. Thomas Williams on Living Your Best Life with Genma Holmes
Join Living Your Best Life in partnership with Hope For Women Magazine as we help 2012 be YOUR year for a healthier lifestyle. As many discuss weight loss resolutions at the start of the new year that go by the “waist” side by the second week of January, we are going to help our listeners and readers try to stay focused by covering health issues that will cover the body, mind, and spirit year round.
On January 7, 2012, we will discuss an over often overlooked health issue, our oral healthcare. Dr. Thomas Williams, DDS, a new contributor to the show, will share his expertise and educate us on the importance of maintaining healthy oral habits. He will give us the latest in the healthcare technology as it relates to the practice of dentistry. Dr. Williams will address why so many fear going to the dentist and how he keeps his patients relaxed and stress free during visits.
Dr. Williams will also share about his life away from his dental practice. A serial volunteer and an avid sport enthusiast, we hear how about Dr. Williams love of family, his community, and ALL things Titans.
Genma Holmes has been documenting her visits to his office since 2010.
Living Your Best Life can be heard in the Nashville-Middle Tennessee Area on from 9-10am CST, on Inspiration Networks, military bases and Ustream.TV world wide.
More About Dr. Williams
Dr. Williams has a long history of helping others in many capacities beyond dentistry. He is a native of Nashville where his father, Dr. Robert Williams, practiced dentistry for over forty years.
He attended Johnson C. Smith University in North Carolina for his undergraduate studies and attended Meharry Dental College. After graduation from Meharry in 1999, Dr. Williams joined his father’s practice for several years before opening Premier Dental in 2006.
Premier Dental offers general dentistry with a caring staff and uses state of the art equipment. Services range from teeth cleanings, white fillings, crown and bridgework, root canals, extractions, implants, and partials/dentures. Dr. Williams is especially gifted in cosmetic work to transform your smile to THE one you have always wanted!
Dr. Williams is affiliated with the following organizations:
National Dental Association
Pan Tennessee Dental Association: President
Capital City Dental Association: Past President
Better Business Bureau
Middle Tennessee Football Officials Association
National Football League Auxiliary Official
And, if you are a Titans fan, you just might spot him on the sidelines as one of the “chain gang” that are there for all home games!
Text INSPIRE and your dental questions or concerns you may have for Dr. Williams to 99000.
On January 7, 2012, we will discuss an over often overlooked health issue, our oral healthcare. Dr. Thomas Williams, DDS, a new contributor to the show, will share his expertise and educate us on the importance of maintaining healthy oral habits. He will give us the latest in the healthcare technology as it relates to the practice of dentistry. Dr. Williams will address why so many fear going to the dentist and how he keeps his patients relaxed and stress free during visits.
Dr. Williams will also share about his life away from his dental practice. A serial volunteer and an avid sport enthusiast, we hear how about Dr. Williams love of family, his community, and ALL things Titans.
Genma Holmes has been documenting her visits to his office since 2010.
Living Your Best Life can be heard in the Nashville-Middle Tennessee Area on from 9-10am CST, on Inspiration Networks, military bases and Ustream.TV world wide.
More About Dr. Williams
Dr. Williams has a long history of helping others in many capacities beyond dentistry. He is a native of Nashville where his father, Dr. Robert Williams, practiced dentistry for over forty years.
He attended Johnson C. Smith University in North Carolina for his undergraduate studies and attended Meharry Dental College. After graduation from Meharry in 1999, Dr. Williams joined his father’s practice for several years before opening Premier Dental in 2006.
Premier Dental offers general dentistry with a caring staff and uses state of the art equipment. Services range from teeth cleanings, white fillings, crown and bridgework, root canals, extractions, implants, and partials/dentures. Dr. Williams is especially gifted in cosmetic work to transform your smile to THE one you have always wanted!
Dr. Williams is affiliated with the following organizations:
National Dental Association
Pan Tennessee Dental Association: President
Capital City Dental Association: Past President
Better Business Bureau
Middle Tennessee Football Officials Association
National Football League Auxiliary Official
And, if you are a Titans fan, you just might spot him on the sidelines as one of the “chain gang” that are there for all home games!
Text INSPIRE and your dental questions or concerns you may have for Dr. Williams to 99000.
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