Guest Post by: Lance Corporal Roger Cornelius
Holmes, II
The reasons why many join the military are
varied as the stars above. My reasons for enlisting shook up my family but
helped usher me into manhood without me ever looking back. I was always curious about the military. I
inquired about military service often during my high school years. But I also
wanted to follow in the footsteps of my dad, Roger Holmes, (88); my uncle, Eric Holmes (90); and my brother,
Franz Holmes (2008 and 2010), who are graduates of Tennessee State University (TSU). They also played sports
at TSU.
As a freshman in the fall of 2009, my only care was being
able to try out for the football team in the spring semester. While dreaming
about football, I paid no attention to my grades. I was enrolled in school full
time but my heart was not in it. By the second semester, I had lost track of
any sense of order. Let me not forget the girls and partying were also part of
my problem. Chaos seemed to rule my life.
In a chaotic state at every turn, I eventually got tired of
drifting. I had a long conversation with myself. I did not want to be 21 living
at home with family with disorder as a way of life. I had squandered my first
year of college on everything but getting an education. I wanted to be on my
own but I knew I needed structure, discipline, and maturing. My curiosity about
the military started to resurfaced again. After weeks of contemplating my
future and getting counseling from family members who were in the military, I chose
to join the United States Marines Corps.
The structure, discipline
and maturity I craved, I got. And then some. I was bused to Parris Island with only my
tooth brush and my driver license. I left behind my very bad freshmen year and
was challenged mentally and physically that only the few, the proud could endure. After graduating from Parris
Island, it did not take me long to realize that I chose the right path in life
for me. I was doing something I loved and was honored to be a part of Marines. After
my first year in the Marines, I began to inquire about becoming an officer. My
mentor, Gunnery Sergeant Bryant, sat with me in a meeting to help me chart a
military career. My life came full circle after that meeting. In order to
become an officer, I needed to finish college.
Instead of the unsure immature person who enrolled
college in 2009, I came back to TSU confident with goals to become an
while still serving my country. I felt my life had a purpose and found
my calling. I made my decision to join the military over two
years ago. I believe that every step I took led me down that path. I
have not
looked back. While I am following in my dad, my uncle, and
brother's footsteps with an education from the family's Alma Mater, I am
also charting my own course as I continue to serve my country as a member of
United States Marine Corps. I am
one of the few, the proud. I am a Marine. Semper Fi.
Holmes story is printed in the issue of Mocha Market Magazine. (Faces of Patriotism)
Photos: Genma Holmes and John Cross (TSU photo)

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