Genma Speaks

Entrepreneur/ Writer/ Radio-Host

Friday, October 5, 2012

ColorComm's Lauren Wesley Wilson on Living Your Best Life with Genma Holmes

 Join Living Your Best Life with Genma Holmes as we profile organizations and leaders who lead by example. With extraordinary acts of kindness and charitable giving that help countless lives daily, these organizations and leaders embody "Be the change you want to see in the world". Hear from CEOs of social enterprise businesses who are changing communities and founders of networks that are changing how business done by changing the rules, one conversation at a time.

On Saturday, October 6, 2012 hear from Lauren Wesley Wilson, who is a dynamic game changer in the world of communications and public relations. A child of a pr guru, the apple did not fall far from the tree. Lauren will share how she built a network to help connect other like minded young women of color with senior level women in the communications field. Her decision to not let others "no" deter her has turned a lunch meeting into an thriving membership community that meets monthly to empower, to inspire, and to motivate one another.

 Living Your Best Life, a radio show that empowers, inspires and motivates one to live their BEST life, can be heard on 760 AM in the Middle-Tennessee Region, Inspiration Network, military bases, and streamed live on U-Stream.TV from 9-10AM CST.

 More About ColorComm
ColorComm is an essential organization for women of color in communications. In a field where there are often less than a handful of us at a professional meeting or networking event, ColorComm provides this niche group the opportunity to see, learn and hear from highly successful women of color. ColorComm is also for women who have achieved great success who are looking for new opportunities that will stimulate, educate, and broaden their horizons.  Communications fields include: public relations, corporate communications, media relations, political communications and others.

The ColorComm mission is to personally connect women with other like-minded individuals to build a strong network of leaders by creating mentors/mentees, business relationships and friendships. ColorComm offers a unique opportunity for women to share experiences and learn from one another to enhance their personal and professional development.

It Started With Lunch
A group of 30 women gathered for the first luncheon in May 2011 at an upscale restaurant in Washington, D.C. Several luncheons later, these invite-only events with top-level guest speakers have become the most sought-after ticket in the District and beyond for professional women of color in communications.

Based on feedback from participants who expressed a desire for more opportunities to connect, ColorComm evolved into a membership organization. Membership allows ColorComm to expand its programming, networking and partnerships to create the most meaningful and dynamic experiences for our exclusive, member community.

Excerpt from Pamela's Punch:
 PP:  How did the idea of ColorComm begin?
LWW:  The idea for ColorComm began when I was working in the PR agency world. It was an environment that was based on hierarchy, sweatshop mentality, and a cut throat atmosphere. My path to a promotion and success was often unclear. At the time I was looking for a mentor to help guide me and provide strategic insight on how to achieve my best and get to the next level. So I began actively seeking out a mentor. I attended every professional development seminar, networking session, panel discussion that you could imagine. I was looking to meet anyone who cared enough to give me 15 minutes of their time.

What I’ve found and eventually learned, is that most people really don’t want to give up their time to people that they don’t know or someone who didn’t come recommended. What’s in it for them? And honestly, how many times have they done this before? I can remember that there was one Senior Vice President at Fleishman-Hillard that I was dying to get to know and dying to hear from, and it took an entire year (July 2009-July 2010) for me to meet with her. I get it, I wasn’t a priority! But, I wasted time. I was so focused on that one person, and at the end of the day there was 0 connection. The “mentor hunt” was unsuccessful.

I thought to myself, there has got to be an easier way to meet executive level communicators. How about we put them all in one room over lunch and that way we have an opportunity to hear from them, learn from them, and connect with them. No more getting the runaround! I knew I wasn’t the only one who felt that way. Thus, the idea for ColorComm was created. Since the first luncheon in May 2011, it became apparent that there was a hunger for more interaction among women of color in communications. Our unique questions were not being answered and we needed to connect with other like-minded women. ColorComm began with a luncheon series and now is transitioning into a membership community, and it’s the most amazing thing to watch evolve

 Pamela's Punch Full Interview with Lauren Wesley Wilson can be found here.
 Photos from previous events can be found here.

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