Genma Speaks

Entrepreneur/ Writer/ Radio-Host

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Carolina Story and Victoria Schwab on Living Your Best Life with Genma Holmes

Join Living Your Best Life at East Side Story Book Store and Hello Boys "official" launch on the front porch of 1108 Woodland Street. We are please to announce this as an ongoing series to spotlight local authors and entrepreneurs who think outside of the box with businesses that have revitalized communities by thriving economically and advancing social causes.

On Saturday, September 15, 2012 we will hear from Carolina Story, the husband and wife team of singer/song writers (Ben and Emily Roberts) and author of The Near Witch, Victor Swchab. These talented young musicians and writers will share about succeeding by going against the grain and following their passions to create and earn a living in genres that are already exploding with talent.

We will also hear updates from the owners of East Side Story and Hello Boys who are following their dreams by becoming business owners.

Living Your Best Life is a radio show that empowers, inspires, and motivates you to live your BEST life. Living Your Best Life can be heard on 760AM in the Middle TN Area, on military bases, and streamed live on Ustream.TV.

More About Carolina Story

After working hard in classes and spending even more time on their own musical homework, Emily and Ben, budding solo singer/songwriters in their own right at the time, went on a camping trip in North Carolina. It was 10-06-08 to the day, while on that very camping trip, after spending a lot of time talking together about what each wanted for their lives separately and collectively, when Ben and Emily officially started singing together as the name Carolina Story.

Returning from the Carolina camping trip, Carolina Story had a deeper purpose and a newfound focus. Close to finishing school, as if you didn’t already know where this story was heading, 06-13-09 was the day they got married and legally became Ben and Emily Roberts. A few months later, they traded in their cap and gown gig for a full-time show on the road. They co-founded The Traveling Troubadours and hit the road playing their music the way they envisioned. The Traveling Troubadours is a “More Than A Show” tour which consists of a revolving line-up of artists that have an “independent" spirit, strive for artistic excellence over commercial success and have a heart of service above all. The various artists that agree to be a part of this group step out of the normal touring box and often exchange spots in big ticket venues just to seek numbers for playing places such as homeless shelters, nursing homes, and less traditional places-on top of home concerts, small clubs, and more traditional venues. Point being, Ben and Emily set out to create their story, music, and journey to be a success how they define it instead of always worrying about success in numbers. It’s not that they didn’t or don’t care about commercial success (that is also a main goal in their hearts too), they just decided from the start that if they were going to dedicate all that they are to Carolina Story that it will always be something that makes them proud.

In between booking their own shows, touring every chance they could (over 350 shows independently booked since they began in January 2010), and looking for a home of their own, Ben and Emily recorded and released their first LP called “When The River Met The Sea.” They took their first record and their first dog with them everywhere they went. The reviews were stellar, people that made it to their shows all loved them, but the constant grind began to wear the dynamic duo down. I digress back to numbers.

06-10-10 is the last set of numbers in the frame at Ben and Emily’s home, and it is the defining moment for Carolina Story to this point. After a time period of constant touring, doing everything on their own, still living with family while trying to find a home of their own, the duo began to notice that a lack of commercial recognition and creative opportunities was starting to spark a natural set of arguments for anyone who has ever tried being married and a musical act at the same time (as if either separately are easy).

It was on 06-10-10 when, after a small morning argument before coffee, Ben and Emily set out to the grocery store to run daily errands after deciding that that day was to be the last day they would perform as Carolina Story. Wouldn’t you know that fate would intervene again? There must have been a blue light special on isle 5 because while Ben and Emily passed by what seemed like another stranger, it was in fact an unsuspecting fan that recognized them. She could have passed them by as well, but she turned around and asked them, “Aren’t you two Carolina Story?” Ben and Emily picked up their heads and confirmed the question. Then the lady went on to say, “I have seen you guys play before and my husband and I just love your music.” The random positive comment out of the blue lit up Ben and Emily’s smiles for the moment, but it also made them feel guilty that they were about to end their run as Carolina Story in order to keep their marriage a happy one. A few seconds later, the fan seemingly sent from above popped around the corner yet again. She got their attention and said, “I hope I’m not bothering you, but I just had this feeling come over me that I should tell you two not to give up on your music for some reason. Y’all have a great day.” That was it. There was not going to be an end to Carolina Story. (For more reading click here.)

More About Victoria Scwhab


Birthday: 7.7.87
Literary Agent: Holly Root at Waxman Literary
Film Agent: Jon Cassir at CAA
Publishers: Disney*Hyperion, Tor
Books: THE NEAR WITCH (2011), THE ARCHIVED (2013), VICIOUS (2013), THE ARCHIVED #2 (2014)

The Story:

I am the product of a British mother, a Beverly Hills father, and a southern upbringing. Because of this, I have been known to say “tom-ah-toes”, “like”, and “y’all”. I also suffer from a wicked case of wanderlust, made worse by the fact that wandering is a good way to stir up stories. When I’m not haunting Paris streets or trudging up English hillsides, I’m usually tucked in the corner of a coffee shop, dreaming up monsters.

My first YA novel, THE NEAR WITCH, a dark original fairy tale, debuted with Disney*Hyperion in August 2011, and is now out in paperback.

My next YA novel, THE ARCHIVED, is the first book in a new supernatural series about a world where the dead are shelved like books, and it hits stores January 2013, also with Disney*Hyperion.

My first adult novel, VICIOUS, about two brilliant and highly disturbed pre-med students who set out to generate their own superpowers and end up mortal enemies, is out in hardcover from Tor September 2013.

I have more books coming out in 2014, but I’ll get to those later.

These days, when someone asks me what I do when I’m NOT writing, I just kind of laugh nervously. But in truth, on the odd occasion I’m not typing away, I’m probably baking cookies, or watching BBC shows, or wandering. (See how we came full circle, there?)

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