Genma Speaks

Entrepreneur/ Writer/ Radio-Host

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

For Such A Time As This...Harold Moses Love, Jr.

Harold M. Love, Jr. (Rev. Harold Moses, Jr. as folks remind me on 760 AM) was told some time ago to “wait his turn” when he sought counsel about running for public office. The son of a politician and minister, Love had been on the campaign trail before. Love was very familiar with “don’t upset the apple cart” rhetoric that can behoove younger, ambitious potential candidates who are deemed a threat to the established older black (and white) incumbents.

But after much prayer and internal wrestling, he threw his hat in the ring to run for the Tennessee House 58 District seat. His campaign captured the attention of those who were desperate for a change and needing to see a leader who put service above self. Constituents had voiced wanting leadership that was hands on and capable of being engaged.

Many had not forgotten Love’s non-stop heroic efforts to serve and meet the physical and spiritual needs of those who were flooded in the West Hamilton Road area during the historic flooding of Nashville in the 2010. The West Hamilton area was off the media’s radar. He helped steer efforts to bring food, water, and clothing to those in need and to help many with the endless FEMA paperwork process. His work in the community was often overlooked but was rewarded overwhelmingly by Nashvillians who voted Love 2010 Nashvillian of the Year by the Nashville Scene.

Love’s ability to navigator the often complicated political,community,and social unwritten, code speak rules, while remaining true to himself is what many find intriguing about Love. Even Love’s critics have taken note. His devotion to Tennessee State University, during good times and bad, keeps him busy trying to keep positive news about the school at the forefront in spite of the never ending negative press it gets because of the mountain of internal conflicts. His involvement in many civic groups keeps him in the community, out front and behind the scenes.

I do not buy the ‘anyone but Mary’ mantra that was chanted by some during this campaign season. Anyone is never worthy of getting votes. In a year of one of the most divisive political seasons that I had the displeasure to cover nationally, regionally, and locally, it is good to see someone who understands the game of politics but has the greater good of the people as the motivating reason to run for office. That is rare in today's politicians. Two years will come and go quickly. Rep. Harold M. Love, Jr.'s leadership will be a breath of fresh air. At this time in Tennessee state politics, his leadership is needed.

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