Genma Speaks

Entrepreneur/ Writer/ Radio-Host

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Uncle Bud's Fried Peanuts

I have traveled the world. I have met kings and queens, the wannabees and the real ones. Presidents of this and that, Governors who cheat and who don't, Mayors, CEOs, executives, businesses owners, socialites and other fancy type folks and then just plain Bills, Janes, and Sues. No other Genma. But something I have learn that will always know is true, I left the country but the country will never leave me. On with my story...

In my area of Tennessee, there is a little corner market that reminds me of my home town in Mississippi. Everyone greets each other with a hug and yells across the isle to see how the other is doing. None of this nodding crap like they do in Green Hills. There are no strangers at Benson's Foodland, real people with real conversations. It is owned by Mr.Benson and family and has been around for ages. Mr. Benson never smiles and seems aloof. But underneath the hard shell is a heart of gold. He delivers food to the elderly and even allow for store credit. A grocery store that gives folks 30 days to pay their bills? No kidding. Mr. Benson is as grumpy as a bear but I know he is a cub wanting to be hugged.

He sells fresh collards and makes sure I get my bunches every week or so. I have even cooked a pot to share with him a time or two. My daughter buys her sweet potatoes for her pies from him and he in turn makes donations to Oasis Center in her name. Not bad for an old bear.

About four months ago, I noticed a display barrel full of peanuts at check out. As I inspected the new product, I asked Mr. Benson what was the display all about. He said in his driest voice, "You're from Mississippi, don't you eat everything fried." No he diiddn't, I thought to myself. Insulted and intrigued at the same time, I grabbed a bag of Uncle Bud's Fried Peanuts. That was the day I finally understood the slogan, 'You can't eat just one'. They are addictive! I have tried every flavor and they are my new habit. Call Dr. Drew, I am in of an intervention. I was up at 2:00am trying to knockout a few overdue reports and there I was eating my Cajun flavored peanuts and sipping on coke. Life is good.

You must try these peanuts. Cooked, bagged and shipped right here in Tennessee, in a town called Sodd Daisy. Now if that is not country I do not what is. I got the folks on the phone after I had bought my fiftieth bag and told them I run a pest control company and I am coming for a visit. God knows, I cannot eat products by the tonnage and do not know about their pest management program.

They thought I was kidding, until I drove up in my truck with contract in hand. We talked pest control and peanuts for hours. Fascinating company that will be around for quite sometime. Now for all the city slickers wanting to get back to the God's country and get in touch with people food, I have just what you need...go to Tell them I sent you. So good you can eat them 'shell-n-all'

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