Genma Speaks

Entrepreneur/ Writer/ Radio-Host

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Week with Me!

My boys, Franz and Cornelius Holmes

What a month! I have been running since May 1. Just to give you a peek at what life is like with me, I thought I would share part of my schedule from the last week.

May 14th -The Tin Roof. The Tin Roof had their 5th Annual Music Feast. When you have a good customer who pays on time and refers clients often, you better support their events.

May 15th -Norm Miller, Interstate Batteries CEO. Many hours went into planning this fundraiser. Mr. Miller was great and the one-on-one time with him was enlightening. I learned more about NASCAR and batteries than I care to admit but he was great to work with. Working with his marketing team opened doors for me and my efforts were worth the contacts that have come after the event.

May 16th -Divas Nashvegas. I was a ‘Do Right Diva” this year. This was a great honor. But to be honest it felt surreal. It was hard for me to go from working an event for several years to receiving an award from the organization. The Oasis students’ tributes were heartfelt and the best part of the evening for me. I am humbled by the love shown to me by the teens, the staff and the board. Wynonna gave a show like no other with Mama Judd. Watching them perform gave me hope for all mother-daughter relationships. And who knew that Kenny Rogers would sing until midnight? What a night and one heck of a fundraiser for the Oasis Center!

May 18th Baby Boy’s Graduation. My baby boy graduated from Hillsboro High School! He strutted tall and proud and wore his state championship ring! His graduation helped me experience grace and mercy. Family, from near and far, was in town. My folks from Mississippi always leave me trying to explain ‘family’ to my kids. I have come to the realization that my kids know my folks are “special”. No more coded conversations; they know exactly what I mean. I am thankful that both sets of grandparents were together for the momentous event. Baby Boy’s graduation helped seal the deal that he is a favorite grandchild because everyone came together to celebrate his accomplishments. They marveled over his bling on his finger while I fretted that he still has not finished his paperwork for college. His smile, his strut across the stage, and nonstop texting to everyone said it all…I am done with high school!

May 19th -Williamson County Red Cross Breakfast.
Baby Boy and I had barely put our heads on the pillow before 5:00 am rolled around. We were volunteers for the Red Cross Breakfast. The Titans’ General Manager, Mike Reinfeldt, was the keynote. Asking folks to help you with sponsorship for fundraisers gives them the right to ask you for help. My friend, Jennifer W., asked me to get donors for the 2009 Breakfast. After juggling two events back to back, Norm Miller’s and Divas for Oasis, I managed to drag folks out of the bed for the 6:45 a.m. kick off. The event was great and Baby Boy, who did not want to go, won the autographed Titans’ Helmet from Mike Reinfeldt and scored an interview for summer employment with the Titans. I have taught him to take advantage of every opportunity, every time!

May 20th- CEO Networking. I meet with a group of business executives twice a month that are committed to helping grow our businesses. As I have matured as a business owner, I look for smaller groups with mighty voices. The business owners are seasoned and genuine and the relationships are deep and sincere. One of our members sold Donald Trump the Trump Tower many moons ago. Now, what are the odds of me sitting in a meeting with someone who sells property to individuals of that statue? I am always amazed at the power of early morning networking vs. going to ‘galas’ that produce drama and no business.

May 21st- JUMP’s Mixer for Oasis.
Sharon Hurt and the Board of JUMP welcomed the Oasis Center to the neighborhood. Stillwater Café and the band provided good food and great music that calmed the soul. It was a great atmosphere for both boards to meet each other. Many are unaware but the original plan was to build the YOC on Jefferson Street. Each group agreed that our youth of today and tomorrow are our future and agreed to work together to help reach our teens. This was the work of Sharon Hurt who is an example of one of our community Sheroes.

My Baby Boy’s graduation was a major milestone for me. My child that never complains, stays out of trouble, and took a back seat while I tried to sort out his siblings issues; finally, was the center of the family’s attention. I am proud him. He wants to major in sports journalism so the contact with the Titans will be valuable. By taking him with me to Brentwood, he saw the example of the early bird getting the worm. I have all summer to spend with him and I plan to savor every moment of it. Hopefully, he will see more examples that will help him on his journey in life. Many individuals encouraged, pushed, and kicked his butt the last four years to help get him across that stage. I am eternally grateful. I cannot wait to see the future holds for him. No matter what, he will ALWAYS be my Baby Boy!

Thanks for allowing me to share my life, opinions and views with you. Stay tuned.

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