Genma Speaks

Entrepreneur/ Writer/ Radio-Host

Monday, January 5, 2009

Genma Holmes On The Home Stretch Radio Show with Debbie Alan

Time sure has a way of getting away from you. My friend, Debbie Alan and I have been trying to connect with each other for over a year. Messages through friends, emails lost, address misplaces. We live right here in the same town and it seemed as if she was on the East Coast and I was on the West Coast trying to plan a reunion.

We finally connected over the holidays and the first question she asked, "will you come on my show?" It was not a question per se but a I will not accept "no", time to catch up and go to lunch, but we will make a pit stop before we do statement. This is not about PR or the show but two friends getting together that really should not. We are trouble together with a capital "T".

Debbie Alan is a long time TV personality and she has a laughter that is infectious and a love for people that is undeniable. You love her instantly. She never takes no for an answer. Several years ago, she made one of the ultimate sacrifices, she put her kids and family above showbiz. That is rare in an area where you can find a star on every corner. Our children are the same ages. We were pregnant around the same time and she was the first "spokeswoman" of motherhood that I met and actually LIKED. She rarely missed her sons games and you can hear her yelling for her boys before you saw her.

Debbie and I would often swap fund raising events and ideas. "I need you" was our battle cry to each other. We would laugh at how we never followed the proper way of raising money for our favorite causes. She knew the Brentwood crowd intimately and has never been shy to ask for their purses or billfolds. When that did not yield enough, she would ask for their bank accounts. Everyone would laugh but handed over the funds with joy. I took notes and was a quick study. Debbie taught me that fund raising should be fun! Her heart has always been to help others and to give back to a community that we both love and call home. Her number of trips to Africa each year would always have an extra seat for me to claim if I wanted to go.

Four years ago she decided to get her feet wet again in the "business" with a radio show, I was honored she called to say come do a few demos with me. In her living room, she ordered her domain names and scribble her future on a note pad. Her zest and zeal for life was stronger than ever! Her original concept has never changed; celebrate the second half of living...the best years of your life and have a platform to help others. The kids were older and leaving home and she wanted to do something "different". We went to Dave Ramsey's studio and the rest is history. Her star is brighter than ever and millions hear her nationally.

We had not talked since the demo was taped until the holidays. Life threw me a few curve balls that I am still learning how to bat out of the ball park. We picked up right where we left off, laughing at the natives and talking about the next fund raising event that is scheduled in our lives. She is headed to Africa this summer and I will be at the Oasis Center this spring working on Divas Nashvegas.

My life has been in management mode with my teens. Trying to keep them from going astray and I did what I saw her do, put some things on hold to focus on the kids and to keep the family on track. I have a healthy respect for those who have made career changes or adjustments that at the time seemed as if they were career killers. I got to tell her how much she was an inspiration to me while trying to raise my three over the last several years. It has not been easy but full of adventure and I learned to keep me seat belt on when it comes to raising my kids. I could hear both of us missing the other.

I believe this guest appearance is a sure sign of me starting the year off right. This is Debbie's first show of 2009 and I am looking forward to being On The HomeStretch today. Debbie and I will laugh (and laugh and laugh) and catch up on all things Nashville. I will talk about the bug business, photo shoots, fundraisers and my crazy kids. She will talk about the her radio show, her growing staff, her mission trips and her crazy kids. I can't wait. Join us, I guarantee you will have a blast!

Tune in to the On The HomeStretch Radio Show with Debbie Alan M-F 10:00-11:00 CST.
The call in number is 877-474-3302.

Drop in and catch the laughter. You will be glad you did!

(If you miss the show, it will be posted on my blog later this week!)

1 comment

  1. I have been on the home stretch of children leaving, husband working all the time, I relate to this article.


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