Genma Speaks

Entrepreneur/ Writer/ Radio-Host

Friday, October 17, 2008

Second Saturday Ladies

Last fall, I got the opportunity to cover the wonderful Second Saturday Ladies for Inspired Living Magazine. I revisited them to do a 'bread drop'( take bread to the church) a few weeks ago and I thought it would be great to introduce them to the blogsphere.

There is something different about the ladies of Second Saturday. There are no committees to delegate God's work and no annual fund raising luncheon chairperson to acknowledge their good deeds; no gala, yearly ball, fancy invitations or awards to pat each other on the back for a job well done. They are ladies on a mission, a band of sisters, serving sandwiches and love every Second Saturday.

Like most good causes, Second Saturday started from someone's personal trail. The journey began in Vanderbilt Hospital waiting rooms where families sit and wait for hours, even days, on end for their loved ones. Joan Gregory and a friend had both experience the saga of hospital waiting room and a losing a loved one. With her firsthand experience of the stress and misery of hospital waiting rooms, Joan decided to bring cheer and joy to others with a simple bag lunch and a note of encouragement. Thus began a women's ministry.

"We started out with 10 lunches at first...then 25...then 35 sack lunches," says Joan. "Our very first outing was on the second Saturday of the month."

Since the first outing to Vanderbilt Hospital and its eight intensive care waiting rooms, on the second Saturday of each month, like clock work, a group of ladies deliver sack lunches to everyone waiting in the the intensive care unit.

Nearly twenty five years later, over 20,000 lunches have been served. Each sack contains sandwiches on fresh bread, homemade cookies. fruit, mints or candy and a special note card from the Second Saturday ladies: "We realize that IC rooms and situations you're facing today can be very is our prayer that this lunch brings a smile to your face."

Many of the ladies who participate bring their children and grandchildren to learn the art of serving others. The second generation of this ministry is already in training.

The ladies of Second Saturday believe that God chose them to do this work, and it is not about one person. More than making lunches, they are feeding souls. Through simple sandwiches, the ladies are reminding people who are hurting of God's unfailing love. Second Saturday has received thousands of thank you cards and notes, and many people have started similar ministries in their hometowns or churches.

The Second Saturday ladies are a breath of fresh air to everyone in our great city. The families that they touch monthly, in turn touch others. When Daddy was ill and I spent many hours by his side, the work of the women, came to mind often. I longed for them to walk through the doors and say hello. I would have loved one of their famous bologna sandwiches. My time at home with my granddaddy helped me to appreciate the ladies gift of caring for others all the more.

If you ever want to spend time with Second Saturday Ladies, by all means stop by Woodmont Hills, 3710 Franklin. They meet every Second Saturday at 8:45am.

For more info go to
Photos by: Russ Corley

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